Workshop row

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Workshop row

description Book series
language German
publishing company State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart (1996-2006)
First edition 1996
attitude 2006
founder Wolfgang Kermer
Frequency of publication irregular
Editor-in-chief Wolfgang Kermer
editor Wolfgang Kermer
ZDB 2271250-1

The WerkstattReihe was a series of books by the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart , which was founded in 1996 by Wolfgang Kermer and edited and published until it was closed in 2006.

In the workshop series set up as a supplement to the articles on the history of the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart (1975-2004), texts by current and former academy teachers and articles about them were published. The range should be broad, "Experiences from experimental workshop work [could] stand alongside purely biographical representations, statements on art theory alongside those of art and university policy". (Editor's note, vol. 1)

Since the entire production took place in the graphic workshops, especially those of the Institute for Book Design, teamwork with the teachers there was required. Horst Wöhrle not only provided the label for the series and - using the Gill Sans font - the typography and sentence design ( Apple Macintosh / QuarkXPress for the inside, lead handset cover ), he also coordinated the rest of the production process, which contributed significantly to that after a decade the series comprised sixteen numbers. The offset printing of the text section was mainly carried out by Franz Sperker, the laser printing (print-on-demand) by Horst Wöhrle, scans by Tekle Ghebre and Wolfgang Weinmann, who also carried out the letterpress printing of the cover. The bookbinding ( Chinese block binding / perfect binding ) was initially done by Horst Pichl, then Katja Liebig.

Part of the special conception of the WerkstattReihe was that, after a start-up subsidy from the Institute for Book Design, it was financially self-supporting: The next project was financed from the sales proceeds from the previous publication.

Published publications

  • Horst Wöhrle: On the value of lead: lead type, its era and aura . With a preliminary remark by Wolfgang Kermer. Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 1996 (= WerkstattReihe, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 1), 24 p., 4 fig.
  • Wolfgang Kermer: Memory of Gunter Böhmer : on the 10th anniversary of the academy's death on January 8, 1996 . Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 1996 (= WerkstattReihe, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 2); 20 p., 4 illustrations, 1 letter facsimile.
  • Adolf Hölzel : Something about color in its pictorial harmony and use: about color . With an introduction by Wolfgang Kermer. Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 1997 (= WerkstattReihe, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 3), 33 p., 4 graph. Darst.
  • Wolfgang Kermer: On the history of book design at the Stuttgart Academy . Speech given at the opening of the exhibition "Between Book Art and Book Design: Book Designer of the Academy and Former School of Applied Arts in Stuttgart" in the Württemberg State Library in Stuttgart on October 29, 1996 and in a slightly modified form in the Klingspor Museum in Offenbach am Main on June 7, 1997. Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 1997 (= WerkstattReihe, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 4), 17 pp.
  • Horst Wöhrle: Construct: or: The use of elementary means. Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 1998 (= WerkstattReihe, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 5), 20 p., 1 fig.
  • Willi Baumeister : Stuttgart and the Swabians . With an afterword by Wolfgang Kermer "Willi Baumeister and the magazine 'Der Cross-Section'". Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 1999 (= WerkstattReihe, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 6), 13 pp.
  • Wolfgang Heger: Montserrat or in search of the visible world: the painter Rudolf Haegele . Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 2000 (= WerkstattReihe, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 7), 10 pp.
  • Joachim Hämmerle: Paysages humains: a workshop report . Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 2000 (= workshop series, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 8), 40 pp.
  • Wolfgang Kermer: Hans von Kolb , director of the Kgl. Stuttgart School of Applied Arts, 1896–1913 . Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 2000 (= WerkstattReihe, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 9), 23 pp.
  • Dieter Groß: "I see myself in everything else": fragmentary records and unsorted splinters . Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 2002 (= WerkstattReihe, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 10), 46 p., 7 fig.
  • Wolfgang Kermer (Ed.): "Dear Master Hölzel ..." (Willi Baumeister): Students remember their teacher: on the 70th anniversary of Adolf Hölzel's death on October 17, 2004 . With an afterword by the editor. Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 2004 (= WerkstattReihe, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 11), 47 pages ISBN 3-931485-67-6 .
  • Wolfgang Kermer: The collection of the Stuttgart Academy: some remarks on the foundation, history and development on the occasion of its 30th anniversary . Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 2005 (= WerkstattReihe, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 12), 25 pages ISBN 3-931485-71-4 .
  • Horst Wöhrle: "The Zero Hour": Graphics at the Stuttgart Academy after the end of World War II . Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 2005 (= WerkstattReihe, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 13), 15 pages ISBN 3-931485-72-2 .
  • Wolfgang Kermer: Aufruhr am Weißenhof: on the structure and situation of the Stuttgart Art Academy at the time of the student unrest in 1968/69 . Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 2006 (= WerkstattReihe, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 14), 40 pages ISBN 3-931485-74-9 .
  • Wolfgang Kermer (Ed.): About builders: the artist and teacher in the judgment of his students . Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 2006 (= WerkstattReihe, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 15), 57 pages ISBN 3-931485-77-3 .
  • Wolfgang Kermer (Ed.): Willi Baumeister: Cézanne . With an introduction by the editor. Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 2006 (= WerkstattReihe, edited by Wolfgang Kermer; 16), 18 pages ISBN 3-931485-79-X . (Reprinted on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Cézanne's death)


  • Wolfgang Kermer: Series of publications of the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart: Academy Communications 1972–1978; Contributions to the history of the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart 1975–2004; Workshop series 1996–2006 . Stuttgart: State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 2008.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ [1] Library Service Center Baden-Württemberg, accessed on January 21, 2018
  2. ^ Between book art and book design: book designer at the academy and former arts and crafts school in Stuttgart; Work examples and texts . Selected and ed. by Wolfgang Kermer. Ostfildern-Ruit: Cantz, 1996 ISBN 3-89322-893-4 p. 199, illus. P. 144.
  3. ^ [2] Entry in the state bibliography of Baden-Württemberg , accessed on January 21, 2018
  4. [3] Library Service Center Baden-Württemberg, accessed on January 21, 2018
  5. [4] Baden-Württemberg Library Service Center, accessed on January 21, 2018
  6. ^ [5] Entry in the state bibliography of Baden-Württemberg, accessed on January 21, 2018
  7. [6]  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Entry in the state bibliography of Baden-Württemberg, accessed on January 21, 2018@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  8. ^ [7] Entry in the state bibliography of Baden-Württemberg, accessed on January 21, 2018
  9. ^ [8] Entry in the Baden-Württemberg State Bibliography, accessed on January 21, 2018
  10. ^ [9] Entry in the state bibliography of Baden-Württemberg, accessed on January 21, 2018
  11. [10] Baden-Württemberg Library Service Center, accessed on January 21, 2018
  12. ^ [11] Entry in the state bibliography of Baden-Württemberg, accessed on January 21, 2018
  13. [12] Entry in the state bibliography of Baden-Württemberg, accessed on January 21, 2018
  14. [13] Entry in the Baden-Württemberg State Bibliography, accessed on January 21, 2018
  15. ^ [14] Entry in the state bibliography of Baden-Württemberg, accessed on January 21, 2018
  16. Georg Leisten: A child of the Mediterranean: News about Paul Cézanne, who died a hundred years ago . In: Stuttgarter Zeitung , No. 243, October 20, 2006, p. 31.
  17. ^ [15] Entry in the Baden-Württemberg State Bibliography, accessed on January 12, 2018