Werner A. Müller

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Werner A. Müller (born February 24, 1937 in Bermatingen , Bodenseekreis ) is a German biologist , university lecturer and author . As a biologist, his scientific focus is developmental biology and physiology .


Müller studied biology and chemistry as well as partially geology and philosophy in Freiburg im Breisgau . In 1963 he did his doctorate on stem cells and development- controlling signal systems on the marine hydrozoon Hydractinia echinata , in which August Weismann first described and named stem cells in 1883. Müller held academic positions at the universities of Tübingen , Braunschweig and at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . From 1977 he was director of the Zoological Institute in Heidelberg. In 2005 he retired.

Müller is married and has three sons.


Müller worked on the development potential of stem cells, the principles of morphogenesis (formation of shapes), biological signal systems including neuropeptides (continued by employees), the choice of location and triggering of the metamorphosis of sedentary marine organisms (hydrozoans, bryozoa) and evolutionary aspects of tissue intolerance. Research stays at marine biological stations took him to List / Sylt, Helgoland, Plymouth, Roscoff and Ischia.


Müller is the first author and illustrator of textbooks on developmental and reproductive biology, animal and human physiology, a book on the history of science, as well as popular science and children's books, which have been published in several editions and languages.


  • with Monika Hassel and Maura Grealy: Development and Reproduction in Humans and Animal Model Species. Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-662-43783-4 .
  • with Monika Hassel: Developmental and reproductive biology of humans and important model organisms. 6th edition. Springer Spectrum, 2018, ISBN 978-3-662-55533-0 .
  • with Stephan Frings and Frank Möhrlen: Animal and Human Physiology. 6th edition. Springer 2019, ISBN 978-3-662-58461-3 .


  • R-evolution of the biological worldview in Goethe, Kant and their contemporaries. Springer 2014, ISBN 978-3-662-44793-2 .
  • Werner Müller: Is there a “7. Sense"? Extraordinary perceptions and incredible abilities of humans and animals from the point of view of today's life sciences. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg 2016, ISBN 978-3-662-48812-6 .
  • Werner Müller: The world of the sea. Reports from marine biology and ideas about the origin of life . Springer 2016, ISBN 978-3-662-52851-8 .

Children's books

  • Pregnancy: Biology of Future Life, told for children and parents. ig; Ideenbrücke and Braunschweig-Verlag, Braunschweig 2008, ISBN 978-3-9811665-3-8 .
  • Pregnancy, the First Nine Months of our Life, Explained for Children and Parents. A Bright Pen Book, 2013, ISBN 978-0-7552-1573-7 .
  • The fantastic time binoculars; Tommy discovers the primeval observatory. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2013, ISBN 978-3-8482-1763-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b CV Werner A. Müller. (PDF; 47.0 kB) Retrieved on August 4, 2015 .