Technical University of Braunschweig
Technical University Carolo-Wilhelmina in Braunschweig |
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founding | 1745 |
place | Braunschweig |
state |
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country |
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President | Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla |
Students | 19,694 (WS 2019/20) |
Employee | 6,488 (of which female: 2,572) (WS 2019/20) |
including professors | 241 (2017) |
Annual budget |
Budget volume : € 335 million (2017) Third-party funding : € 90.8 million (2017) |
Networks | CESAER , DFH , TU9 |
Website | |
The Technical University of Braunschweig is a medium-sized university in Germany with around 20,000 students in 71 courses . It goes back to the Collegium Carolinum founded in 1745 and thus has the longest tradition among the technical universities in Germany . The university is a member of the association of nine leading technical universities in Germany ( TU9 German Institutes of Technology e.V. ).
The professors of the Uhde designed and grains on the Pockels street located historic main building was purchased. 1877 The namesake are the founder Karl I of Braunschweig and Lüneburg as well as the donor Duke Wilhelm.
Collegium Carolinum (1745–1862)
The university goes back to the Collegium Carolinum founded in 1745 . With several advisors, including the court preacher JFW Jerusalem , the range of courses for an educational institution was created under the founder Carl I. , which was to be classified between high school and university. The task of the Collegium Carolinum, located on Bohlweg , was initially primarily to train civil servants and prepare students for university studies (including Gauß from 1792 to 1795). This put it in direct competition with the Braunschweig grammar schools (predecessor of today's Martino-Katharineum ).
With the appointment of literary historians such as Johann Joachim Eschenburg and the circle of Bremen contributors to the Collegium Carolinum and Gotthold Ephraim Lessing to the Herzog August Bibliothek , the Principality of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel briefly became an intellectual center of the in the second half of the 18th century Enlightenment in Germany. After an interim conversion into a military academy in 1808, the college was reopened in 1814.
Between 1745 and 1808 the annual enrollment numbers averaged 25 and rose to 38 by 1835, albeit with considerable annual fluctuations. After short-term drops in new enrollment one had already in 1777 forced visit clause for prospective students of the Duchy are introduced, but the Collegium Carolinum refused initially demanded by the trade and bourgeoisie reform with more commercial and technical teaching content. Between 1814 and 1835 the proportion of technical subjects even fell from 16.6 to 7 percent.
In 1796 the duchy's assembly of estates decided to merge with the state university in Helmstedt to form a technical university, but it was not implemented. The reasons for this are assumed to be the resistance of Helmstedt professors and the high financial requirements. With the closure of the Academia Julia in 1810 at the latest , these plans became obsolete.
When, in 1825, the language teacher at the Collegium Carolinum August Brandes , the pastor Friedrich Möhle and the accountant Friedrich Süpke founded a technically oriented secondary school (predecessor of today's New Oberschule ), which with over 60 students immediately gained popularity, the traditional grammar schools had to fear for their existence and matriculations at the Collegium Carolinum also decreased. A hastily convened school commission led to the consolidation of the grammar schools into one comprehensive grammar school in 1828, but left the Collegium Carolinum outside and increased the pressure to reform.
In 1831, the mathematics professor Spehr submitted in an initially anonymous publication a proposal for the further development of the Collegium Carolinum into a polytechnic institute, which was controversially discussed but not implemented, so that the status of a privileged grammar school continued. In order to be able to survive in the competition, especially with the Realgymnasium, the tuition fees had to be reduced or waived completely. In 1835, as a compromise, a technical and a mercantilist department were initially established. After a short-term success and an increase in matriculations to over 100 per year, a further decline to the old level began in 1850. The humanistic department only had about 15 visitors, the mercantilistic 5 and the technical department 44 students. However, necessary reforms were delayed for a long time, particularly because of bitter resistance from the humanist department.
Polytechnic School (1862–1878)
The first reform steps were carried out in 1855 when specific curricula were introduced for the subjects of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering, pharmacy, forestry and agriculture. But only after the death of the head of the humanistic department Prof. Petri in 1857 and the dismissal of State Minister Schulz in 1861, the board of directors was able to agree on concrete reform plans based on the model of the Karlsruhe Polytechnic , which were confirmed by the State Ministry on June 7, 1862.
At the beginning of the winter semester of 1862/63, the Collegium Carolinum was renamed "Polytechnische Schule", at which eight scientific subjects were trained. The humanistic and mercantile departments were dissolved. For enrollment, the level of the Prima of a grammar school or the completion of a secondary school was now required, with numerous exceptions.
With the conversion of the Collegium Carolinum into a polytechnic school in Braunschweig in autumn 1862 the connection to the development of the higher technical school system in Germany was completed. The management was incumbent on a four-person board of directors, but without further self-administration rights. Above all, the restriction to the needs of the duchy stood in the way of their further development. But in contrast to similar institutions, the Collegium Carolinum lagged behind, in particular due to organizational deficiencies, spatial constraints and the lack of recognized final exams. In the state assembly, the Wolfenbüttel MP Ludwig Köpp even applied for the polytechnic school to be dissolved, as he considered the reform to have failed. The application was rejected, but a commission appointed to draft an administrative reform that came into effect in 1872. It replaced the directorate with a director and streamlined the organization of the departments. The unsuccessful technical schools for agriculture, railroad and postal services as well as the smelter and saltworks department were closed.
After a sharp increase in enrollments, the capacity of a maximum of 138 visitors was no longer sufficient and an expansion for up to 450 students was planned in 1872 and a new building was approved. Critics continued to criticize the poor quality of the training, particularly due to the low admission requirements. Thereupon an entrance examination in mathematics was required , alternatively the attendance of a six-month mathematical preliminary course with good success .
When the cost of the new building of 2.25 million DM finally became known, Baron von Veltheim submitted an application to the state assembly in 1876 to close the polytechnic school completely without replacement, which was even largely followed by a specially appointed commission. But in the end the application could be rejected due to the advocacy of the state government and industry. Then, the construction was completed and the professors of the Uhde designed and grains on the Pockels street located historic main building was purchased on 15 October. 1877
Technical University (1878–1968)
Beginning with the founding of the empire in 1871, Prussia also played a leading role in education . So it became more and more important for the expansion of the Polytechnic School that its degrees were also recognized by Prussia. After lengthy negotiations, the Brunswick proposals were accepted on July 2, 1877, so that finally a constitution was drawn up in November 1877 that meant equality. However, Prussia dictated more stringent admission requirements and standardized study plans.
At the same time, on the basis of an initiative by the Munich Polytechnic School, the rededication of all such schools in Germany to technical universities was discussed as a first step towards further agreements. Therefore, following the example of Munich and Darmstadt , it was decided in Braunschweig on March 5, 1878, to rename it to the Herzogliche Technische Hochschule Carolo-Wilhelmina , the second part of the name after the name of the then ruling Wilhelm Duke of Braunschweig, 4 days ahead the formal adoption of the new university constitution.
The great expectations were not fulfilled immediately, however, because the number of students initially fell sharply (e.g. to 13 mechanical engineering students in 1881), in particular because of the ongoing economic crisis (so-called founder crisis ), the tightened admission conditions, but also due to ongoing discussions about the recognition of the first state examination. In 1882, for example, another application was submitted to the state assembly, but it was unsuccessful.
Only with the economic upswing in the phase of high industrialization did a noticeable upswing also set in at the TH, so that by 1895 the capacity utilization to the original goals could be achieved. This also went hand in hand with an expansion of the teaching staff. In 1887, a uniform state examination (consisting of a preliminary and a main examination) in construction and mechanical engineering was finally established.
In 1890 the Herzogliche Technische Hochschule Carolo-Wilhelmina received a rectorate constitution and in 1893 diploma examinations were introduced for students who did not enter the civil service. In 1900 the right to award doctorates followed . In 1909 the general approval of the study for women took place , which also greatly increased the number of matriculations in Braunschweig. From 1918, numerous new institutes had to be set up outside the main building. Parts of the university, especially the humanities, were located in Braunschweig Castle .
With the takeover of teacher training in the Department of Cultural Studies at the Technical University of Braunschweig from 1927, the humanities characterization of the university increased again. The integration of teacher training was accompanied by the academization of elementary school teacher training, which until then had been organized as seminars. This reform, promoted by the social democratic minister of education, Hans Sievers , also included the right to award doctorates, and the university teachers August Riekel , Adolf Jensen , Wilhelm Paulsen and Helmut von Bracken were the main promoters of this development . They received strong support from Hans Löhr and the socialist student group he founded , as well as from Heinrich Rodenstein and Leo Regener .
On October 1, 1930, the state parliament of the Free State of Braunschweig elected a coalition government made up of the DNVP and NSDAP , in which the NSDAP first appointed Anton Franzen and then Dietrich Klagges as the minister for the interior and public education. As a result, there were conflicts between the rector Gassner and the education minister Klagges in 1932 . In spite of resistance, the university was brought into line in 1933, the rectorate was dismissed and redesigned according to the Führer principle. The TH Braunschweig lost almost 20 percent of its teaching staff in the early days of the Nazi regime, in particular teachers and lecturers with a Jewish and social democratic orientation.
In 1937 the area of teacher training was lost again with the founding of the Bernhard Rust University for Teacher Training . Most of the lecturers and subjects of the cultural studies department were attached to it. The university itself got into an existential crisis with the withdrawal of this department with the most students. For a short time a merger with the Technical University of Clausthal was considered. In 1937 the technical university was restructured by merging the departments into three faculties (general sciences, civil engineering, mechanical engineering). Shortly thereafter, however, the Bernhard Rust University was reduced to a teacher training college because the National Socialists mistrusted academic teacher training.

Due to severe war damage, teaching had to be stopped in the summer semester of 1945. After the end of the Second World War , the TH Braunschweig was the first German university to resume lecturing in the winter semester 1945/46 despite being destroyed by 70 percent.
Technical University (from 1968)
In 1968 the Faculty of Science and Philosophy was divided into the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences. The Technical University of Braunschweig was renamed the Technical University of Carolo-Wilhelmina in Braunschweig
In 1972 the university was the first university in Lower Saxony to establish the computer science course . In 1978 the Braunschweig University of Education was incorporated into the Braunschweig Technical University. The presidential constitution was also introduced.
In 1987 the new Biozentrum was inaugurated. The TU Braunschweig was the first scientific university to set up the biotechnology and bioprocess engineering courses together with the Society for Biotechnological Research (GBF) . A year later (as the third university in Germany) geoecology was introduced. In 1989, the Technical University of Braunschweig in Lower Saxony as the only university created four simultaneous courses of industrial engineering .
In 1990 the TU chose Erika Hickel as the first technical university to elect a woman as vice president. In 1995 the 250th anniversary was celebrated under the motto “Project Future”. Numerous guests, including Federal President Roman Herzog , the former American Secretary of State. D. Henry A. Kissinger and former Federal Chancellor Helmut Schmidt , gave the TU Braunschweig the honor. On September 29, 1996, the Intercity-Express of the Deutsche Bahn ICE 597 "Carolo-Wilhelmina" was named after a university as the first ICE.
In 2001 the new IT center at the TU Braunschweig was moved into. Two years later, the Humanities and Social Sciences Center was founded on Campus North. On November 1, 2004, the then Federal President Horst Köhler visited the Technical University together with the then Lower Saxony Prime Minister Christian Wulff . In 2006 TU9 , the amalgamation of the leading German technical research universities, was founded.
In 2007 Braunschweig was the city of science . On October 18, 2007, an intensification of the cooperation between the TU Braunschweig and Volkswagen AG was agreed. According to this, an extensive vehicle technology center consisting of ten institutes is to be set up and for the most part located at Braunschweig Airport .
The Lower Saxony Technical University (NTH) was founded in 2008 . Further members of the Lower Saxony Technical University are the TU Clausthal and the Leibniz University of Hanover . In the network, courses should be more closely interlinked and joint research projects should be implemented. The NTH law has been suspended since January 1st, 2015.
In 2009, the Lower Saxony Research Center for Vehicle Technology (NFF) was inaugurated at the research airport campus. The Campus Research Airport was founded as another large research center, and the new building was occupied in 2012. In October 2013 it was renamed the Lower Saxony Research Center for Aviation (NFL).
In September 2012 the foundation stone was laid for the Lower Saxony Research Center Vehicle Technology (NFF) at the Braunschweig site. The Center for Pharmaceutical Process Engineering and the Braunschweig Integrated Center of Systems Biology in cooperation with the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research have been approved. In April 2013 the establishment of the Laboratory for Emerging Nanometrology and Analytics was recommended by the Science Council.
Since February 2019, due to the renovation of the Audimax, lectures have been held in the so-called Tentomax, a circus tent that has been converted into a lecture hall.
The TU Braunschweig bundles its research in four main areas: City of the Future, Metrology, Mobility and Infections and Agents. The university's researchers work closely with the other research institutions in Braunschweig.
City of the future
The scientists at the TU Braunschweig develop concepts for the intelligent city of the future. The aim is to research solutions for efficient, environmentally friendly, healthy, social and green smart cities .
Nanoscale, i.e. a millionth of a millimeter, materials and components have become an indispensable part of many applications. Measuring them requires new approaches in nanometrology. The LENA research center, together with the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, researches the limits of what can be measured.
The researchers are working towards a seamless multimodal transport system. This focus bundles research in the field of automobiles, aerospace technology and rail transport. Important topics are intelligent and networked mobility, low-emission vehicles with non-fossil fuels and sustainable production. In addition, traffic management, logistics and social effects are considered. Together with scientists around the world, the TU Braunschweig aims to reduce the number of traffic accidents. The researchers are developing novel materials and surfaces that reduce fuel consumption and noise, and are developing the next generation of energy sources. The Lower Saxony Research Center for Aviation (NFL) and the Lower Saxony Research Center for Vehicle Technology (NFF) combine research in these areas.
Infections and Agents
The Braunschweig Integrated Center of Systems Biology, BRICS, links natural sciences, engineering and computer science to form systems biology. Together with the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research and the Leibniz Institute German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, strategies against infectious microorganisms are being developed. This also includes natural substances from microorganisms. The Center for Pharmaceutical Process Engineering (PVZ) deals with the manufacture and processing of such new active ingredients into inexpensive and effective drugs.
Research centers
In addition to the main research areas, the research profile is shaped by several interdisciplinary and cross-faculty research associations that are organized as centers.
Battery Lab Factory (BLB)
BLB is a research center of the TU Braunschweig for the development of production processes and of diagnostic and simulation methods for current lithium-ion batteries and future battery technologies such as solid-state batteries and lithium-sulfur batteries. The BLB brings together 13 professorships from three universities (Braunschweig, Clausthal, Hanover) as well as battery specialists from the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) and brings together expertise along the value chain for electrochemical battery storage in Lower Saxony.
Braunschweig Integrated Center of Systems Biology (BRICS)
The BRICS is an interdisciplinary center in cooperation with the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research. Three departments of the Helmholtz Center and institutes from three faculties of the TU Braunschweig work together in it. At BRICS, systems biology methods are used to study microorganisms in the fields of biotechnology and infection research. With the help of mathematical models, new anti-infectives and new biotechnological production processes are to be developed.
Laboratory for Emerging Nanometrology and Analytics (LENA)
In the Laboratory for Emerging Nanometrology, institutes of the TU Braunschweig conduct research together with departments of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt. The subject of research are nano-norms , method developments and ubiquitous sensors and standards. The focus is on the metrology of 3-dimensional nanosystems .
Lower Saxony Research Center for Vehicle Technology (NFF)
At the Lower Saxony Research Center for Vehicle Technology, scientists who research the Metropolitan Car cooperate: They want to find answers to the social and ecological challenges associated with increased urbanization. In addition to the TU Braunschweig, which is in the lead here, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Leibniz University of Hanover are involved.
Lower Saxony Research Center for Aviation (NFL)
In the Lower Saxony Research Center for Aviation, the Technical University of Braunschweig, the DLR and the Leibniz University of Hanover bundle their wide-ranging competencies to promote basic, coordinated research programs in the field of aerospace technology.
Center for Pharmaceutical Process Engineering (PVZ)
Producing drugs more cost-effectively that are, for example, precisely tailored to the patient - the researchers at the PVZ want to make this possible with new manufacturing technologies. Experts from pharmacy, process engineering and microtechnology are working together on a long-term basis in a model that is unique in Germany.

The Technical University of Braunschweig offers 71 courses - including 26 undergraduate, 39 master’s and 6 advanced courses - at 6 faculties with around 120 institutes. In addition to engineering, natural sciences are one of the university's core disciplines. The students benefit from the research orientation of the university: They are taught research and development in many practical projects. This knowledge can be applied and deepened in one of the over 80 student groups. From building rockets and a Mars rover to racing vehicles to participating in a theater group - many students are involved alongside their studies.
With the conversion to the Bachelor-Master system from the winter semester 2003/2004, many courses were redesigned. In general, studies at the TU Braunschweig are interdisciplinary. This can also be seen in interdisciplinary interdisciplinary courses such as environmental engineering, information systems technology and industrial engineering.
For teachers from all universities in Lower Saxony, the TU Braunschweig offers a wide range of advanced training courses from the University Didactics Competence Center for Lower Saxony. To improve teaching at the TU Braunschweig, there is the BMBF project teach4TU. The aim of the project is on the one hand to support the cooperation of the teachers and on the other hand to improve the quality of teaching in a broad and sustainable manner.
Competence Center for University Didactics for Lower Saxony
The Competence Center for Higher Education Didactics for Lower Saxony (KHN), located at the TU Braunschweig, aims to improve teaching at universities in Lower Saxony. Various options for further training are offered for this purpose:
- Further education in university teaching (WindH): The WindH program is aimed at all university teachers and covers a total of 21 days. In addition to a compulsory program (including didactic interviewing, advice and coaching at the university or an introduction to e-learning ), various elective modules can be taken.
- Stud.IP: The KHN coordinates the introduction of the learning management system at the TU Braunschweig. An extensive support concept is implemented to support the teachers in using the system.
Project teach4TU
The teach4TU project began in the summer of 2012, the aim of which is to strengthen the academic didactic qualifications of academic staff. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research provided 8 million euros for this purpose .
The project is divided into several sub-projects, some with different target groups:
- Basic qualification : imparting the fundamentals of university didactics for academic staff
- Co-teaching : consolidation of university didactic qualifications with a focus on planning and carrying out teaching by several people
- Academic specialist advice : consolidation of university didactic qualifications with a focus on teaching projects
- Academic professional circles :
- Professors program special offer for professors, in addition to individual workshops and individual: Coaching includes
- Innovation program : Promotion and support of new teaching concepts and orientation of the student teaching award LehrLEO
- E-portfolio : Provision of a personal blog including advice to reflect, document and present one's own teaching
Tell us
In 2009 the ideas platform “Tell us” began at the TU Braunschweig, which is aimed specifically at students and aims to improve teaching and study. Ideas, praise and problems of the students can be collected and discussed in a freely accessible blog . This makes it possible to find fellow students with similar suggestions for improvement or questions in order to develop possible solutions together and with university representatives.
The Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft ) named Sag's Uns as one of the best university projects in Germany: In March 2010, the project was named University Pearl of the Month .
Cooperation center between universities and unions
The TU Braunschweig offers a cooperation center for universities and trade unions, which is part of the federal working group of cooperation centers . Here job-related topics such as staying healthy at work - general conditions at work and room for maneuver can be deepened. The cooperation center for universities and unions in the Southeast Lower Saxony region (SON) is jointly supported and funded by the TU Braunschweig, the TU Clausthal , the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences and the HBK as well as the DGB and other individual unions in the region as well as the Work & Life organization in Lower Saxony .
According to the Lower Saxony University Act, the central organs of the university are the Presidium, the University Council and the Senate. In addition, the university is divided into six faculties that fulfill the university's tasks, for example in research or teaching.
The Presidium manages the university and shapes its development. The Presidium is responsible for all matters that, according to the NHG, are not assigned to any other body of the university. This includes, among other things, the conclusion of target agreements, economic planning or the establishment, modification and removal of faculties and other organizational units. In addition to the President, the Presidium has a full-time and four part-time Vice Presidents. Your departments will be determined before a new term of office begins. There are currently the departments of Studies and Cooperation, Teaching and Diversity, Strategic Development and Technology Transfer as well as Research, Young Scientists and International Affairs at the TU Braunschweig.
The president represents the university externally and heads the executive committee. Among other things, he has to work out proposals for the development planning of the university and to continuously inform the public. He chairs the Senate and the central commissions (without voting rights), unless the chairmanship has been assigned to the Vice-Presidents or Senate Commissioners (see Vice-Presidents). He also chairs the Strategy Commission (without voting rights).
On December 14, 2016, Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla was unanimously proposed as the new President by the Senate and University Council of the TU Braunschweig. On March 30th, she was appointed President of the TU Braunschweig with effect from May 1st, 2017.
Term of office | Surname |
1978 to 1979 | Hans Jürgen Matthies |
1979 to 1983 | Gerhard Schaffer |
1983 to 1999 | Bernd Vine |
1999 to December 31, 2004 | Fred Jochen Litterst |
January 1, 2005 to April 30, 2017 | Jürgen Hesselbach |
since May 1, 2017 | Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla |
University Council
The university council consists of seven voting members who are not allowed to belong to the university and who are elected for four years. The University Council advises the Presidium and the Senate and takes a position on the development and economic plans and on the establishment of or participation in companies by the university. He is also involved in filling the university presidium.
The Senate has 13 directly elected members with voting rights (Section 41 NHG). It is composed as follows:
- 7 members of the university professor group
- 2 members of the student group
- 2 members of the staff group (group of scientific staff)
- 2 members of the MTV group (group of employees in technical and administrative service)
The Senate decides on the regulations of the university (if the faculty is not responsible) and in particular the basic regulations. It decides on development planning and the women's advancement plan.
Faculties and Institutes
There are 156 institutes and facilities at the TU Braunschweig, which are spread across the following six faculties:
1. Carl Friedrich Gauß Faculty | |||
mathematics | Computer science | Economics | Social sciences |
2. Faculty of Life Sciences | |||
Biology / biotechnology | Chemistry / food chemistry | pharmacy | psychology |
3. Faculty of Architecture , Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences | |||
architecture | Civil engineering and environmental science | ||
4. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | |||
mechanical engineering | |||
5. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Physics | |||
Electrical engineering / information technology | physics | ||
6. Faculty of Humanities and Education | |||
Humanities and Education | |||
The lecture halls, institutes and facilities of the TU Braunschweig are spread over four locations within Braunschweig and on the MobileLifeCampus in Wolfsburg.
- Central campus
- The central campus is formed around the Forumplatz of the TU Braunschweig on Pockelsstrasse. It is adjacent to the auditorium maximum, the university library and the forum building. The Biozentrum is located behind the forum building. The old university building is on the opposite side of the street. Between Oker and Schleinitzstraße there is the Oker high-rise, the house of telecommunications, the IT center and the high-rise for architecture.
- The forum building (planned by Friedrich Wilhelm Kraemer), the university library, the Audimax and the Okerhochhaus (Oesterlen-Bau) are buildings of the Braunschweig School and are under monument protection.
- In addition to the university library, there are institutes and almost all faculties (1 to 4) on the central campus, as well as the study service center in the Haus der Wissenschaft, the language center and a branch of the Gauß IT center. Additional infrastructure includes small cafes and restaurants in the vicinity, the student union's Katharinenstrasse cafeteria and the House of Science. The new Braunschweig Center for Systems Biology (BRICS) is currently being built on the Rebenring between Pockelsstrasse and Bültenweg.
- Campus East
- The sports center, Gauß IT center and the House of Electrical Engineering are located adjacent to the East Campus. Many institutes from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering as well as Pharmacy and some institutes from the Department of Civil Engineering are located on campus. The Beethovenstraße cafeteria supplies the East and North Campus.
- Campus north
- The humanities center of the TU Braunschweig is located on the north campus. Faculty 6 and many humanities and social science institutes are now located on the former barracks of the Federal Border Police. A number of specialist libraries and a new lecture hall are located there. At the rear of the campus there are test halls for communications technology institutes. A small campus pavilion of the Studentenwerk Ostniedersachsen supplies the students and researchers.
- Campus research airport
- The Lower Saxony Research Center for Aviation and the Lower Saxony Research Center for Vehicle Technology are located on the research airport campus. This will further expand the research site at Braunschweig Airport, where a number of aerospace and aerospace companies are based in addition to DLR.
- Mobile Life Campus Wolfsburg
- A second location of the Lower Saxony Research Center for Vehicle Technology was inaugurated in 2009 on the Mobile Life Campus Wolfsburg. In addition, the Open Hybrid Lab Factory was inaugurated here in September 2016 .
In the summer of 2015, the “Sandbox - self-made campus” project started at the TU Braunschweig, which supports students and TU members in designing the campus themselves. New ideas are collected, advertised and partly financed with the help of an online platform. The Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft) awarded "Sandkasten - selfmade campus" as the university pearl digital of the month in August 2015.
students life
You can spend your free time in numerous restaurants in the university district or take part in the range of university sports (over 110 sports). Cinema buffs visit student cinemas in the Audimax and the student residence on the Schunter . The orchestra of the TU Braunschweig, known not least for the combination of science and music, is well known beyond the region. As part of the NTH , several joint projects were carried out with other technical universities in Lower Saxony.
In addition, the TU Braunschweig annual TU Night takes place on the central campus , with live music and experiments waiting for the visitors. Students can learn foreign languages in the language center of the TU Braunschweig. The “MacGyver ideas competition” has been held annually since 2005. Schoolchildren and students solve a tricky task in the style of MacGyver . There is also the summer festival at the sports center every year, which usually takes place at the end of June. In addition, local cultural associations organize a cultural night especially for students every year.
Student associations
The founder of the university was Karl I, Duke of Braunschweig and Lüneburg . The mathematician Johann Carl Friedrich Gauß studied at the Collegium Carolinum for three years. In 1863 Heinrich Büssing , later founder of Büssing AG, enrolled as number 57 on the list of auditors at the Polytechnic School for mechanical engineering. In 1932, Agnes Pockels was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Technical University: The Braunschweig native was given access to specialist books on chemistry and physics through her brother, since at that time women were still banned from studying. She experimented with the surface tension of liquids.
The so-called Braunschweiger Schule was formative for the teaching of architecture: Architects like Friedrich Wilhelm Kraemer , Dieter Oesterlen and Walter Henn , who taught at this university. Thanks to other university professors such as Ludwig Winter , Constantin Uhde , Georg Lübke and Carl Mühlenpfordt , architecture teaching at the Ducal Technical University Carolo-Wilhelmina gained a national reputation.
Numerous other well-known people studied or taught there; These include the chemistry Nobel Prize winners Manfred Eigen , Georg Wittig , the Physics Nobel Prize laureate Klaus von Klitzing , the mathematician Richard Dedekind , the writers and literary historians Justus Friedrich Wilhelm Zachariae and Johann Joachim Eschenburg , the botanist Carl Georg Oscar Drude , the current CEOs of BMW and Porsche with Harald Krüger and Oliver Blume , as well as the former SAP boss Henning Kagermann . Other people are on the list of well-known personalities at the TU Braunschweig .
Honorary doctors and senators (selection)
Honorary doctorates have been awarded to the following people :
The following persons were appointed honorary senators:
See also
- Braunschweig University Library
- List of universities in Germany
- Center for Computer Science and Information Technology (tubs.CITY)
- Walter Kertz; in collaboration with Peter Albrecht et al. (Ed.): Technical University of Braunschweig: from Collegium Carolinum to Technical University; 1745-1995 . Olms, Hildesheim / Zurich / New York 1995, ISBN 3-487-09985-3 .
- Helmuth Albrecht : University and Politics. The TH Braunschweig in the Weimar Republic (1918–1933). In: Werner Pöls , Klaus Erich Pollmann (ed.): Modern Braunschweigische Geschichte. Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim 1982, ISBN 3-487-07316-1 .
- Michael Wetter / Daniel Weßelhöft: Victims of National Socialist Persecution at the Technical University of Braunschweig 1930 to 1945 , Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, 2010, ISBN 978-3-487-14359-0 .
Web links
- official page
- AStA of the TU Braunschweig
- Braunschweig Student Union
- MacGyver ideas competition at the TU Braunschweig
- Campuseducation project
- The register of the Collegium Carolinum and the Technical University Carolo-Wilhelmina in Braunschweig, 1745 - 1900
Individual evidence
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ a b TU Braunschweig in numbers… . Technical University of Braunschweig. Retrieved March 11, 2020.
- ↑ Personnel statistics on Retrieved March 5, 2019 (PDF; 18 kB).
- ↑ a b budget volume . Technical University of Braunschweig. Retrieved March 5, 2019.
- ↑ Network. List of universities in the DFH network. In: Franco-German University, accessed on October 6, 2019 .
- ↑ a b c d e f Beate Nagel: Technical University (TU) including Collegium Carolinum In: Luitgard Camerer , Manfred Garzmann , Wolf-Dieter Schuegraf (ed.): Braunschweiger Stadtlexikon . Joh. Heinr. Meyer Verlag, Braunschweig 1992, ISBN 3-926701-14-5 , p. 226-227 .
- ↑ Isa Schikorsky: Erudition and Sociability. Abbot Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Jerusalem (1709–1789) in his time. Exhibition catalog. Braunschweig 1989; Fritz Meyen: Bremen contributor to the Collegium Carolinum in Braunschweig. in: K. Chr. Gärtner, JA Ebert, FW Zachariä, KA Schmid: Braunschweiger Werkstücke. 26. Orphanage Buchdr. und Verl., Braunschweig 1962.
- ↑ a b c d e f Helmuth Albrecht: Between traditionalism and reorientation. The path of the Brunswick Collegium Carolinum to the Polytechnic School (1814–1862) . In: Günter Scheel (Ed.): Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch . tape 63 , 1982, pp. 53-88 ( ).
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j Helmuth Albrecht: Technical education between science and practice. The Braunschweig University of Technology, 1862–1914 . In: Publications of the Technical University Carolo-Wilhelmina in Braunschweig . tape 1 . Olms, 1987, ISBN 3-487-07819-8 .
- ↑ Real Institute of Brunswick: its curriculum . In: Braunschweigisches Magazin der Braunschweigischen advertisements [for the year] 1825 . tape 38 , p. 1 ff., 553 ff ., urn : nbn: de: gbv: 084-10072915414 .
- ^ Letter from a Braunschweig resident to a friend from abroad regarding the establishment of a university or a polytechnic institute in Braunschweig . Braunschweig 1831.
- ^ Collegium Carolinum. The same curriculum after its expansion as a polytechnic school . In: Braunschweigisches Magazin der Braunschweigischen advertisements [for the year] 1862 . tape 75 , p. 357 ff ., urn : nbn: de: gbv: 084-10093015436 .
- ↑ Michael Wetter / Daniel Weßelhöft: Victims of National Socialist Persecution at the Technical University of Braunschweig 1930 to 1945 , pp. 19-20
- ↑ Uwe Sandfuchs: The reseminarization of teacher training in the Third Reich - shown using the example of the state of Braunschweig . In: Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch - year books of the Braunschweigisches Geschichtsverein . tape 62 , 1981, pp. 137–156 , urn : nbn: de: gbv: 084-12021010563 .
- ↑ Course catalog of the TU Braunschweig WS 1990/1991.
- ↑ Technical University of Braunschweig: research focus . Technical University of Braunschweig. Retrieved March 18, 2019.
- ^ Technical University of Braunschweig: Research Centers . Technical University of Braunschweig. Retrieved March 18, 2019.
- ^ Stephan Nachtigall: Thirty Years of the Flying Lecture Hall - The research aircraft "D-IBUF" is celebrating a milestone anniversary. In: Study and Teaching Magazine. January 18, 2018, accessed March 3, 2019 .
- ^ Studying in Braunschweig . Technical University of Braunschweig. Retrieved January 19, 2015.
- ↑ a b Uniguide ( German ) Technical University of Braunschweig. Retrieved May 5, 2017.
- ^ List of registered student associations @ TU Braunschweig. Retrieved March 28, 2019 .
- ↑ ERIG eV Accessed on March 11, 2020 .
- ↑ TU Braunschweig: KHN . Technical University of Braunschweig. Retrieved July 23, 2013.
- ↑ TU Braunschweig: teach4TU . Technical University of Braunschweig. Retrieved July 23, 2013.
- ^ Information service science: Quality pact of the BMBF: Eight million euros in addition for teaching at the TU Braunschweig
- ^ Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft: TU Braunschweig: Collecting student ideas with Web 2.0 ( Memento from April 16, 2013 in the web archive ). Status: July 2011.
- ^ Cooperation center between universities and trade unions in the region of South East Lower Saxony. ( Memento from December 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) on and the cooperation center for universities and unions Braunschweig / SON on
- ↑ Lower Saxony University Act on
- ↑ Presidium
- ↑ Prof-Anke-Kaysser-Pyzalla-proposed-as-President-of-the-TU-Braunschweig . In: TU Braunschweig | Blogs . ( [accessed on December 14, 2016]).
- ↑ a b President
- ↑ Memories of Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. Eh Hans Jürgen Matthies. In: November 2, 2016, accessed January 27, 2019 .
- ↑ a b c d Previous presidents of the Technical University of Braunschweig. November 3, 2017, accessed April 23, 2018 .
- ↑ University Council , status: May 2009.
- ↑ Senate . Status: May 2009.
- ↑ Institute . Status: August 2011
- ↑ faculties . Status: September 2011.
- ↑ Biology / biotechnology, chemistry / food chemistry, pharmacy, psychology. In: Website of the Technical University of Braunschweig . October 22, 2012, accessed March 26, 2013 .
- ↑ Department of Architecture and Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences. In: Website of the Technical University of Braunschweig . December 10, 2012, accessed March 26, 2013 .
- ↑ Newsletter 03/2015 . Technical University of Braunschweig. Retrieved November 10, 2015.
- ↑ Hochschulperle digital . Donors' Association for German Science. Archived from the original on October 17, 2015. Retrieved November 10, 2015.
- ↑ Unisport . Status: October 2017
- ↑ University archive of the TU Braunschweig: Holdings B2: "Akten der Ehrdoktor" (list of the honorary doctors of the TU Braunschweig who were awarded the title between 1900 and 1986), accessed on April 1, 2019.
- ↑ List of living personalities to whom honorary doctorates have been awarded , accessed on April 1, 2019.
- ↑ His boss - the Minister. In: The time . No. 45/1966.
- ^ Reports from research and university life 1957–1960 of the Technical University Carolo-Wilhelmina in Braunschweig (Ed. Herbert Wilhelm, 1960).
- ↑
- ^ University archive of the TU Braunschweig: Holdings B3: "Files of the honorary senators and honorary citizens" , accessed on April 1, 2019.
Coordinates: 52 ° 16 ′ 25 ″ N , 10 ° 31 ′ 47 ″ E