Werner Hadeler

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Werner Hadeler (born March 3, 1893 in Oldenburg (Oldb) ; † March 17, 1977 ibid) was a German administrative lawyer and syndic of the Oldenburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry .


The son of the Bremer Eilert Hadeler and his wife Johanne geb. Blohm graduated from high school in 1913 and studied economics and law in Heidelberg and Munich until he was reported as a war volunteer . As a participant in the First World War , he was seriously wounded in autumn 1915 and then retired from military service . After his recovery he continued his studies in Berlin and Heidelberg. Following his doctorate in February 1917, Hadeler joined the Oldenburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry as a scientific assistant on March 1, 1917, was employed as the deputy general manager in 1921 and was appointed general manager on March 24, 1933.

In the first years of his activity, Hadeler devoted himself to the tasks of the German Nautical Association , whose management was connected to the chamber, and then successfully supported the construction of this important waterway in the coastal canal association. His further focus in the district equalization office, which existed until 1933, was his efforts to ensure that Oldenburg companies were awarded public contracts to a considerable extent.

After the end of the Second World War , Hadeler negotiated with the British military government and achieved that the Oldenburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry could be re-established as one of the first in the western zones according to democratic principles.

Hadeler was also a member of the administrative committee and the award committee of the Oldenburg employment office and the appeal committee of the Lower Saxony state employment office and the state railway council in Hanover. He was also actively involved in the joint work of the chambers in the German Industry and Commerce Day in Bonn and in the Association of Lower Saxony Chambers of Industry and Commerce, which has existed since 1925.


On January 11, 1961, the day he was passed, Hadeler received the Federal Cross of Merit, 1st Class, for his services .


  • The economic development and importance of industry and trade in the Oldenburger Land. Wins. 1924.
