Werner Mulertt

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Werner Mulertt (born February 23, 1892 in Halle an der Saale ; † December 26, 1944 there ) was a German Romanist .

life and work

Mulertt studied from 1910 to 1914 in Halle with Hermann Suchier and Karl Voretzsch , in Berlin with Heinrich Morf and in Besançon. After serving in the military and nursing from 1914 to 1918, he received his doctorate in 1918 under Karl Voretzsch with laissez connection and laissez repetition in the Chansons de Geste (Halle as 1918) and completed his habilitation there in 1920 with studies on the last books of the Amadisromans (Halle as 1923). In 1927 he was appointed associate professor for Romance philology in Halle , in 1928 he taught in the same position at the Technical University of Danzig , from 1930 to 1936 as full professor and successor to Emil Winkler in Innsbruck and from 1936 as the successor to his teacher Voretzsch in Halle. He held chairs at the University of Vienna (1939) and the University of Berlin (1943), fell ill in mid-1944 and died at the age of 52.

Other works

  • Instructions and aids for studying Spanish , Halle as 1922
  • Azorín (José Martinez Ruiz). For knowledge of Spanish literature about d. Turn of the century , Halle as 1926 (Spanish 1930)
  • Reading book of older Spanish literature from its beginnings to 1800 , Halle as 1927
  • From the history of Spanish language cleaning efforts , in: Homenaje a Bonilla y San Martin. T. 1, Madrid 1927, pp. 583-603
  • Literary ideal images of women before and in the Italian Renaissance , Hamburg 1941

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