Karl Voretzsch

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Karl Voretzsch (born April 17, 1867 in Altenburg , † January 15, 1947 in Naumburg ) was a German Romanist .

life and work

Voretzsch graduated from high school in Altenburg in 1886 and, after one year of military service, studied at the universities of Tübingen (with Wilhelm Ludwig Holland ), Freiburg (with Fritz Neumann ) and Halle (with Hermann Suchier ). He received his doctorate in Halle in 1890 with Der Reinhart Fuchs Heinrichs des Glichezare and the Roman de Renart (in: Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie 15, 1890, pp. 124-182) and habilitated there in 1891 with the work on the saga of Ogier the Dane and the creation of the Chevalerie Ogier: a contribution to the development of the old French heroic epic (Halle 1891). From 1892 to 1909 he was the successor to Holland Professor of Romance Philology in Tübingen (from 1903 as full professor), from 1909 to 1913 as the successor to Gustav Körting in Kiel and from 1913 to 1935 as the successor to Suchier in Halle. From 1914 to 1917 he was a first lieutenant in the army and received numerous awards. Voretzsch was a member of the Pan-German Association , in the DNVP and was a co-founder of the Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten . After 1933 he was a member of various Nazi organizations.

As emeritus, Voretzsch continued to teach with interruptions, namely in 1945 and 1946, after the death of his successor Werner Mulertt in December 1944.

Other works

  • The composition of the Huon von Bordeaux, along with critical remarks on the concept and meaning of the saga , Halle as 1900
  • Introduction to the Old French Language , Halle aS 1901
  • Introduction to the study of Old French literature following the introduction to the study of Old French , Halle 1905
  • Old French reader to explain the old French literary history , Halle 1921
  • Lyric selection from Felibre's poem I. Texts. II. Dictionary Provençal - French - German, with an appendix on dialects , Halle 1934, 1936


  • Philological studies from the Romance-Germanic cultures: Karl Voretzsch on the occasion of his 60th birthday and in memory of his first academic appointment 35 years ago, published by Bernhard Skull and Werner Mulertt, Halle as 1927
  • Joachim Storost, Karl Voretzsch Bibliography: on the occasion of his 70th birthday on April 17, 1937 , Halle aS 1934
  • Henrik Eberle: The Martin Luther University in the time of National Socialism. Mdv, Halle 2002, ISBN 3-89812-150-X , p. 395
  • Annette Schiller: “'… loyalty to one's own fatherland is higher than the love of science…': Romanists from Halle in the First World War”. In: Romanische Studien , Nr. 1 (2015), pp. 153–170, online: http://www.romanischestudien.de/index.php/rst/article/view/8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Catalogus professorum halensis sv Karl Voretzsch