Restored Church of Christ

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The Restored Church of Christ , Church of Christ (Restored) , is a Mormon denomination that split off from the Church of Christ (Fettingiten) in the United States in 1939 under the leadership of AC deWolf . It is headquartered in Independence , Missouri, and is only represented in the United States.

Church building in Independence.

The Restored Church of Christ now has 450 members, most of whom live in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi .


WA Draves , an elder of the Church of Christ (Fettingiten), established in 1929, reported in 1936, as did the founder of the church, Otto Fetting , who died in 1933, that he had received revelations from John the Baptist . Those church members who did not believe this left the Church under the leadership of Elder AC deWolf and founded the Church of Christ (Restored) . Most of them lived in the southern United States, where deWolf had successfully proselytized in 1936. Although the Church of Christ (Fettingites) finally rejected the revelations proclaimed by Draves in 1943, the two churches did not come together again. The final break came in 1956 when, at the instigation of the Apostle ST Bronson, Saturday was introduced as the Sabbath in the Church of Christ (Fettingites) .

Teaching and organization

The Restored Church of Christ teaches that only she is the true Church founded by Otto Fetting and that Sunday is the Lord's Day. The fact that the Church of Christ (Fettingiten), from which it separated in 1939, sanctifies the Sabbath is seen as evidence that this Church has strayed from the true path. Apart from the belief in the 30 revelations that Otto Fetting received, the teaching of the Restored Church of Christ is identical to the teaching of the Church of Christ (Temple Lot) . Polygamy , the baptism of the dead as well as the "sealing of marriages" and the belief in the development of man to a god are rejected. The Restored Church of Christ also rejects the office of President, so it is led by a Council of the Twelve Apostles (Quorum of the Twelve Apostles) , whose members are equal. She also does not know the offices of a First Presidency or high priests. Church conferences take place annually in Independence or other places. The Church teaches that a temple will be built on the lot called Temple Lot in Independence, but will be different from the temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and that of the Communion of Christ .


The Restored Church of Christ rejects the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price , as does the Inspired Bible written by Joseph Smith . It uses the King James Bible and the Communion of Christ- edited versions of the Book of Mormon instead . The 30 revelations received from Otto Fetting are summarized in the book The Word of the Lord . The church newspaper The Gospel Herald appears monthly .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ website .
  2. Shields, Steven: Divergent Paths of the Restoration , p. 135. Independence, 2001.
  3. Shields, Steven: Divergent Paths of the Restoration , p. 132. Independence, 2001.
  4. Shields, Steven: Divergent Paths of the Restoration , p. 136. Independence, 2001.