Wiesenbronner Strasse 32 (Kleinlangheim)

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The house at Wiesenbronner Strasse 32

The house Wiesenbronner Straße 32 (formerly house number 142) is a listed building in the Lower Franconian community of Kleinlangheim in the district of Kitzingen .


The house at Wiesenbronner Strasse 32 was built in the middle of the 18th century. It is located within the Kleinlangheimer Altort, but not in the center. This situation probably refers to a late Hofgründung so at the site of the house may not be a previous building stood. The historical use of the stately building is unclear. The assumption that the house was built as the official house of the Counts of Castell , who still ruled Kleinlangheim in the 13th century, contradicts the late founding of the court.

Door with skylight on the east side

Around 1830 the house was owned by the farmer Friedrich Kraus. Equipping the property with 21 hectares of land made the house one of the larger farms in Kleinlangheim. From the end of the 19th century, the members of the Kistner family owned the property, although the arable land belonging to the farm had already been reduced. After 1900 the courtyard building and the gate system belonging to the property were demolished. The Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Monuments lists the house as an architectural monument .


The house presents itself as a two-story gable roof building from the 18th century. It was mainly built in solid construction and stands on the eaves in the direction of Wiesenbronner Straße. In contrast to what the original walling might suggest, the house is entered on the north side or the rear eaves side. In particular, the representative double-leaf door refers to the former use of the property by a manor. It has fascinating, drilled sandstone walls and an attachment with a skylight .

The house has an almost square floor plan and has no basement . Inside, there is hardly any difference between the lower and upper floors in terms of their structure (hall-kitchen or smoking room-living room-chamber). The remains of the facade architecture still visible in 1996 are particularly significant. Belt cornices , pilasters with foliage, flowers and rocailles once divided the building. In the upper floor of the east wing there was even a false architecture . By 1800 the architectural elements were largely plastered.


  • Konrad Bedal, Herbert May, Albrecht Wald: The house examples. Court history, building history description . In: Konrad Bedal, Helmut Gebhard, Albrecht Wald (eds.): Farmhouses in Bavaria: Lower Franconia (= Farmhouses in Bavaria. Documentation Vol. 3) . Munich 1996. pp. 133-326.

Web links

Commons : Wiesenbronner Straße 32 (Kleinlangheim)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Bedal, Konrad (among others): The house examples . P. 197.
  2. Bedal, Konrad (among others): The house examples . Pp. 198-200.

Coordinates: 49 ° 46 ′ 6.9 ″  N , 10 ° 17 ′ 13.2 ″  E