Wilhelm Dörnhaus

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Wilhelm Dörnhaus (born April 2, 1890 in Mülheim an der Ruhr , † September 7, 1970 ) was a German politician and member of the state parliament ( FDP ).


After attending school and training to become a business economist, Dörnhaus worked in large-scale industry. In 1945 he was one of the founders of the FDP in Mülheim. After the war he campaigned for the revival of Mülheim associations such as the "Mausefalle", the "Mölmschen Krink" and the "Mülheimer Geschichtsverein". For years he was the first Baas to head the "Mausefalle"; later he received the title of honorary baas. He was initially the editor of the Mülheimer Jahrbuch and wrote the foreword in the first few years. He also initiated the awarding of the honorary gift of the small figure "Jobs the candidate", created by Ilse Otten and awarded annually to deserving citizens of Mülheim. As an exception to the rule that mousetrap members themselves do not receive this honorary gift, it was awarded to him in 1969.

From April 20, 1947 to July 12, 1958 Dörnhaus was a member of the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia . He was elected from his party's national list. He was a member of the city council of the city of Mülheim from 1946. From 1947 to 1948 he was parliamentary group leader of the FDP in the council and from 1948 to 1952 he was deputy mayor .


  • 1960: Cross of Merit 1st Class of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • 1969: Awarded the job by the civil society Mausefalle
  • 1974: Name of Wilhelm-Dörnhaus-Straße in Mülheim an der Ruhr


  • Heinrich Küpper: Wilhelm Dörnhaus 1890-1970 . In: Aule Mölmsche - Portraits of citizens of Mülheim. Edited by the Mülheim civil society "Mausefalle", Mülheim an der Ruhr 1973, pp. 47–48.
  • Mülheimer Jahrbuch 1981, p. 223.

Other sources

  • City archive Mülheim an der Ruhr, holdings 1440 / 90.00
  • City Archives Mülheim an der Ruhr, 1550 No. 92

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