Wilhelm Franz von Vittinghoff called Schell

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Wilhelm Franz von Vittinghoff called Schell (* 1619 ; † December 1, 1700 ) was canon and canon in Münster and Paderborn.


Origin and family

Wilhelm Franz von Vittinghoff called Schell came from the Westphalian noble family von Vittinghoff and was born as the son of Johannes von Vittinghoff called Schell (1570–1642) and his wife Almut auf dem Berge zu Ripshorst (1580–1657). The rungs of the family held high offices in the church, the military, and the administration. From 1456 until the secularization in 1803 , the barons of Vittinghoff put the hereditary droids in the Essen monastery . Wilhelm's brother Gisbert Johann (1600–1662) was married to Agnes Margret von Boenen (1615–1664).


Epitaph Wilhelm Franz von Vittinghoff in Paderborn Cathedral

After receiving the Low ordinations on September 12, 1632 Wilhelm Franz from was Turnar Matthias Korff Schmising gen. On August 20, 1650 for the Dompräbende presented by the late Canon Arnold Ulrich von Bocholtz. Because of the controversial situation, the appointment as canon in Münster and Paderborn did not come until November 14, 1656. After the resignation of his uncle, Provost Arnold von Vittinghoff called Schell , Wilhelm Franz came into possession of the Oblegium Gronover on January 15, 1665 and opted on January 24, 1676 to the Obedience Ladbergen . In the Cathedral of Paderborn , his epitaph is.


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