Wilhelm Friedrich Boyens (District Administrator)

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Wilhelm Friedrich Boyens (born October 20, 1903 in Gothendorf , † December 30, 1955 in Preetz ) was a German agricultural scientist and administrative officer. In 1945/46 he was district administrator of the Rendsburg district for six weeks .


The farmer's son Boyens graduated from high school in Eutin in 1922 and then studied at the universities of Munich , Berlin and Halle . In 1926 he passed the examination to become a qualified farmer , in 1928 he received his doctorate . He then became a department head in the city council of Schneidemühl . On February 1, 1930, he became an employee of the Society for the Promotion of Inner Colonization , and on September 1, 1931, he moved to the German Settlement Society , where he became an authorized signatory .

On May 1, 1933, Boyens joined the NSDAP and received membership number 2.579.946.8. During the National Socialist rule, Boyens developed into a settlement specialist for the eastern German provinces and published several papers on settlement problems, land consolidation and land reform. He also worked for various settlement companies: from 1934 to 1938 as authorized signatory, later as sole managing director of "Nord-Siedlungs GmbH" in Berlin, then as deputy managing director of "Mecklenburgische Landgesellschaft mbH" and finally, from July 1, as managing director of the "Bauernsiedlung" Hohensalza GmbH ”in Poznan . As a soldier, he did not have to take part in World War II .

On November 26, 1946, Boyens was appointed district administrator of the Rendsburg district by the British military government, but only remained in office until January 11, 1946 because he was appointed head of department in the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Agriculture. In 1952 he was appointed state commissioner for settlements.

Boyens was married and had four children.

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Individual evidence

  1. Unless otherwise documented, information is based on: Thomas Großbölting and Lukas Grawe, expert opinion: "Scientific review of the history of the district administrators with regard to possible entanglements during the National Socialist era" . Historical seminar, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster , Münster 2015, Online , pp. 135–138.
  2. Dr. Wilhelm Friedrich Boyens. District Administrator of the Rendsburg district from November 1945 to January 1946 , The District Administrator under National Socialism , Rendsburg-Eckernförde district .