Wilhelm Grosskopf

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Memorial plaque for Wilhelm Großkopf and Wilhelm Heese in Bertramstrasse

Wilhelm ("Willi") Großkopf (born January 13, 1910 in Hanover ; † February 22, 1933 ibid) was a German lathe operator , member of the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Germany , the Socialist Workers' Youth (SAJ) and the Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot- Gold and victims of National Socialism .

Wilhelm Großkopf was - just like his colleague Wilhelm Heese - when the SA attacked a Hanoverian “Schufo” department formed in 1930, “which had to protect an election rally of the SPD (at the Lister Tower ) in the run-up to the Reichstag elections of March 5, 1933 “Murdered by a shot in the back.


  • Memorial plaque on the Lister Tower
  • Memorial plaque in Bertramstrasse


Web links

Commons : Wilhelm Großkopf  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. ^ Klaus Mlynek: Heese, Wilhelm. In: Hannoversches Biographisches Lexikon , p. 158: online
  2. Klaus Mlynek: Reichsbanner ... , s. Literature section
  3. see memorial plaque from Bertramstrasse