Wilhelm Grobben

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Wilhelm Grobben (born October 1, 1895 in Kempen , † October 29, 1944 in Bad Wildungen ) was a German dialect poet .


After attending elementary school and the teachers' college in Kempen, Grobben aspired to become an elementary school teacher. From 1914 he took part in the First World War as a war volunteer and suffered a serious wound in the last year of the war, which led to a leg amputation. As a result of his injury, with a brief interruption in teaching in 1919 in Sonsbeck , he spent six years in various hospitals until he went to Kempen as a teacher in 1925. In 1928 he became head of the Kempen auxiliary school and in 1936 rector of the local boys' primary school there. Grobben became a member of the Stahlhelm as early as 1932, and a year later he also joined the NSDAP . In 1937/1938 he was local group leader of the NSDAP in Kempen for 20 months . In 1944, Grobben died at the age of 49 from a kidney infection in Bad Wildungen during a spa stay .


The leisure of the long-term hospital stay in Wilhelm Grobben probably enjoyed the poetic design of his thoughts and feelings about the people of his hometown, about their advantages and weaknesses, about the joy and sorrow of love, about the Lower Rhine region, in short everything that it was about There was something worth seeing in his immediate vicinity. His poetry was published in four volumes of poetry:

  • Ru-ese, Fletten on Destele. Kempen 1935.
  • Ut Modder sin Järtche. Kempen 1936.
  • Ut Boosch on Bengt on Bongert. Kempen 1937.
  • En Stöckske Hert. Düsseldorf 1940. (New edition, Kempen 1954).

Min Kempe is one of his most famous poems. In addition to the verses in dialect, Grobben also wrote a large number of poems in High German , but these have not been published, as well as a High German prose work .


Wilhelm Grobben was already known beyond the borders of his closer home during his lifetime. He celebrated his greatest success in 1939 in Wuppertal , where he won first prize in the dialect poet contest for the "Golden Sparrow" as the speaker of the Lower Rhine . On the tenth anniversary of his death, he was commemorated with a big ceremony in the Kempen cinema, but during the 1960s and 1970s critical voices increased because of his political activities during the Nazi era and the like. a. as district culture warden and local group leader of the NSDAP . Regardless of his activities, his contributions to dialect work are beyond question. In 1964 the city of Kempen named a street after him because of his services as a local poet and in 1980 the Linker Niederrhein Association , of which he had been chairman from 1939, published a book under the title Daudröppkes in which many of his earlier works were published are summarized. In 2019, an application to rename Wilhelm-Grobben Strasse in Kempen failed due to the votes of the CDU and FDP.


  • Jakob Hermes: Willi Grobben - a memory. In: The old Kempen. , Krefeld 1982, pp. 199-201.
  • Hans Kaiser: Kempen under the swastika. Vol. 1 / Viersen 2013, ISBN 3-931242-20-X , pp. 420-430.

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