Wilhelm Hebenstreit

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Wilhelm Hebenstreit (born May 24, 1774 in Eisleben , † April 17, 1854 in Gmunden ) was a German-Austrian journalist and writer .


Hebenstreit studied philology and philosophy in Göttingen , earned his doctorate and went to Vienna in 1811, where he and Johann Schickh founded the “ Viennese magazine for art, literature, theater and fashion ” in 1816 , in which he worked as an editor until 1818. He later worked for the “Collector” and from 1819 to 1821 as a theater critic for the “Wiener Conversationsblatt”.

He published a repeatedly reprinted travel guide entitled The Stranger in Vienna and the Viennese in the Homeland . After Hebenreit's move to Gmunden in 1836, his main work was created, a scientific-literary encyclopedia of aesthetics .

Hebenstreit was a great music lover and was a close friend of Ludwig van Beethoven . With regard to the first edition of the A major piano sonata op. 101 , the composer wrote to his publisher Tobias Haslinger at the beginning of January 1817 : “Please do not show the letter from hebenstreit about the Germanization of the piano forte, but send it back to me, I am already used, as I am neither emptied [!] nor unlearned, to use his advice ”. The work was then given the German title "Sonata for the Hammerklavier", as well as German (instead of Italian) performance designations.


  • Dictionarium Editionum Tum Selectarum Tum Optimarum Auctorum Classicorum Et Graecorum Et Romanorum. Praemittitur praefatio, accedunt indices. Ad Optimos Bibliographorum Libros Collatum Emendavit Supplevit Notulisque Criticis Instruxit , Vienna: Armbruster, 1828
  • The stranger in Vienna and the Viennese at home. Complete information book for travelers to Vienna and during their stay in the residence; also exact display of everything that is worth seeing and remarkable in Vienna, for strangers and locals , Vienna: Armbruster, 1829 - 2nd ed. 1832, 3rd ed. 1836, 4th ed. 1843 ( digitized 2nd ed. ) ( Digitized version of the 3rd edition )
  • The acting. Represented from the standpoint of art, legislation and the bourgeoisie , Vienna: Beck, 1843 ( digitized )
  • Scientific-literary encyclopedia of aesthetics. An etymological-critical dictionary of aesthetic artistic language , Vienna: Gerold, 1843 ( digitized version )


Web links

Wikisource: Wilhelm Hebenstreit  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ludwig van Beethoven, Correspondence. Complete edition , Volume 4, ed. by Sieghard Brandenburg , Munich 1996, p. 3