Wilhelm Hugo Rupprecht

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Wilhelm Hugo Rupprecht (born January 3, 1881 in Stuttgart , † July 9, 1970 in Metzingen ) was a German painter and etcher .


Wilhelm grew up as the third child of the carpenter and later master craftsman Joh. E. Rupprecht and his wife Friederike, born Vollmer. He attended the public school in Stuttgart and began doing self-taught drawing and painting exercises at an early age . He completed an apprenticeship as a chromolithographer before doing military service in Strasbourg from 1900 to 1902 and later in Berlin .

From 1902 to 1907 Wilhelm Hugo Rupprecht studied at the Stuttgart Art Academy with Robert von Haug and especially Christian Landenberger . Even as a student guide, he was the organizer of an exhibition of the students' work. He made friends with the painters Schlipf and Seyfferheld (both killed in World War I ), Seufert and Nicolaus and with the religious philosopher Christoph Schrempf . In 1906 he married Irene geb. Geiger from Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, the marriage resulted in three sons (born in 1908, 1910, 1919).

In 1909 Wilhelm Hugo Rupprecht moved to Neuffen and in 1913 to Esslingen am Neckar . After the First World War, in which he participated as a soldier, he was able to work as a painter and etcher in Esslingen am Neckar from 1919 to 1926. In 1926 the company moved to Stuttgart.

He took over the chairmanship of the Württemberg Association of Visual Artists until 1933. In 1941 the second son fell in Russia, in 1944 he was bombed out, which led to the loss of many pictures and drawings. In 1952 his wife died. In 1968 Wilhelm Hugo Rupprecht was housed in the deaconesses' home in Metzingen after a stroke .


Wilhelm Rupprecht (see Dressler's Art Handbook , Volume 2, p. 845) was known among other things as a painter of the Swabian Alb . One of his better-known works is Der Hohenneuffen from 1912 (source: The Swabian Alb in Art and Poetry). First as a chromo lithograph worked, he came in 1905 to the Academy of Arts in Stuttgart and studied especially among Christian Landsberger and Haug. However, painters such as Pleuer and Reiniger had the strongest and most lasting influence on his development as an impressionist . After receiving the Gegenbauer grant , he went to Italy in 1911.

In his youth Rupprecht felt more drawn to sculpture, but without being active in this field, he immediately turned to painting and soon found his greatest interest in portraits . The main works, along with magnificent landscapes, are his portraits. Perhaps the reason for this development was his fascination with the psychological appearance of humans. His feeling for the picturesque is strongly expressed in all subjects, be it landscapes or portraits. His pictures also testify to his love for the organic and plastic and the accuracy of the reproduction of his natural impression, characteristic of the good impressionist.

Rupprecht's visits abroad made him particularly fond of the Alps and southern France . Many of his works are in private and family ownership, but you can also find works in the gallery in Balingen or in the Stuttgart Art Museum .


Wilhelm Hugo Rupprecht worked on the administrative board of the Württembergischer Kunstverein until around 1964 and was dismissed as an honorary member. In addition, he worked for many years in helping artists in connection with the welfare office of the city of Stuttgart and the state of Württemberg (among others with Dr Mailänder). He has received the Federal Cross of Merit, First Class.

Exhibitions (selection)

1951 Exhibition in the old Kunstverein building in Stuttgart's Schellingerstraße

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