Wilhelm Petrascheck

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Wilhelm Petrascheck (born April 25, 1876 in Pancsova , then Austria-Hungary, † January 16, 1967 in Leoben ) was an Austrian geologist.


Petrascheck was the son of Austrian parents (his father was a master brewer), grew up in Leitmeritz and went to the secondary school in Dresden. He studied in Dresden at the Royal Saxon Technical University , the University of Halle and the University of Leipzig , where he received his doctorate in 1899 under Hermann Credner ( studies on the formation of facies in the Saxon chalk formation ). During his studies he became a member of two Catholic student associations, in 1898 the AV Silesia Halle and also the KDStV Burgundia Leipzig . After a year of military service, he was assistant to Ernst Kalkowsky at the Mineralogical-Geological Institute in Dresden. In 1901 he became an adjunct in the Imperial and Royal Geological Institute in Vienna, where his future father-in-law Emil Tietze was also vice director at the time.

At the Reichsanstalt, he primarily dealt with chalk deposits in the Sudeten region and geological mapping , but also increasingly with the geology of coal. In 1908 he published an overview of the coal deposits in Austria. He also dealt with ore deposits, for example with uranium deposits (1915). From 1918 to 1950, Petrascheck was professor of geology, palaeontology and theory of deposits at the Montan University Leoben . From 1922 to 1923 and from 1935 to 1936 he was rector there.

He dealt primarily with the theory of deposits, especially the geology of coal, about which he wrote a book with his son Walther E. Petrascheck , who was his successor in Leoben.

Awards and honors

In 1916 Petrascheck became a member of the Leopoldina . In 1937 he became a corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and an honorary doctorate from the Technical University in Breslau. In 1947 he received the Gold Medal of Honor from the Austrian Association of Engineers and Architects , and in 1950 the Haidinger Medal from the Federal Geological Institute in Vienna. Also in 1950 he was awarded the Carinthian coat of arms medal. In 1951 he received the Leopold von Buch plaque of the German Geological Society , of which he was an honorary member, and in 1956 the Eduard Sueß commemorative coin of the Austrian Geological Society, of which he was also an honorary member. In 1959 he received the first Miller von Hauenfels medal from the Mining Association.


  • with Walther E. Petrascheck: Storage theory , Springer Verlag 1948, 4th edition 1992 by Schweizerbart, edited by Walter L. Pohl
  • with A. Liebus, L. Waldmann, section Sudetenländer im Steinmann, Wilckens, Handbuch der Regionalen Geographie, Volume 30, 1944
  • The Metamorphosis of Coal, Mining and Hüttenmänniche monthly books, Volume 101, 1956, No. 2

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Complete directory of the CV Strasbourg 1912, p. 174.
  2. Member entry of Wilhelm Petrascheck at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on January 20, 2016.