Wilhelm Reuter (Forester)

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Gravestone Wilhelm Reuter

Wilhelm Reuter (born May 10, 1836 in the forester's house Garbe (Altmark) , † November 24, 1913 in Berlin ) was a German forester .

Live and act

Reuter, son of von Jagow's forest manager Friedrich Reuter , studied forest science in Eberswalde and passed the forest state examination in 1864. In 1870 he became the royal chief forester in Siehdichum . Around 1900 he brought cuttings of red oak , Douglas fir , red beech and black walnut from a trip to North America and planted them in the vicinity of the forester's house in the previously monotonous pine forest. Reuter was an active member of the Märkischer Forstverein. The second and third revised and enlarged editions of his father's book about “The culture of oak and willow in connection with field crops”, published in 1860, were reissued. Reuter made a particular contribution to fish farming in the numerous waters in his field of activity.

On his retirement after almost 50 years of service, Reuter, now the Royal Forestry Master, was awarded the Third Class Red Eagle with a ribbon. He was also awarded the Third Class Order of the Crown .

Forester cemetery Siehdichum

Wilhelm Reuter had a burial site built near the Siehdichum forester's house in 1891 after the death of his first wife Marie. His daughter Hedwig Eyber, wife of Forestry Councilor Karl Eyber, was also buried here in 1902, Wilhelm Reuter himself in 1913 and his second wife Emilie a year later. The four graves are the first of the forester's cemetery in Siehdichum, which was later expanded to become a burial place for all deceased employees of the chief forester's office.


  • Albrecht Milnik (Ed.): In the service of the forest: life paths and achievements of Brandenburg forest people; 145 biographies from three centuries. In connection with the Brandenburg Historical Commission eV, Kessel, Remagen 2006, ISBN 978-3-935638-79-1 , pp. 197-199.
  • Gudrun Hänschen: Take a look around here! Hikes along the Schlaube. Schlaubetal-Verlag Kühl, Müllrose 2008, ISBN 978-3-941085-70-1 , p. 32 f.


  1. Ralf Loock: Family history in the forest , Märkische Oderzeitung , November 9, 2016
  2. a b Black walnut as a tourist magnet , Märkische Onlinezeitung , July 18, 2008
  3. ^ A b c Albrecht Schreiber: Lock master and forester with their own cemeteries , in: Ohlsdorf - Zeitschrift für Friedhofskultur , No. 84, February 2004
  4. Claus-Dieter Steyer: Series Nature Experience Brandenburg: On a Treasure Hunt in Siehdichum , Der Tagesspiegel , May 6, 2011
  5. a b Albrecht Milnik (Ed.): In the service of the forest. Remagen 2006, p. 198
  6. Fritz Reuter: The culture of the oak and the willow in connection with field crops to increase the yield of the forests and to improve hunting. The wild pheasant breeding in the sheaf. Edited by his son W. Reuter, Springer, Berlin 2nd edition 1867; 3rd ed. 1875
  7. General fishing newspaper: New series of the Bavarian fishing newspaper, Vol. 38, 1913, p. 611
  8. Fischerei Zeitung: Weekly for the interests of the entire German inland fisheries Volume 9, 1906, p. 586
  9. ^ André Micklitza, Kerstin Micklitza: Lausitz: on the way between Spreewald and Zittau mountains. 5th, updated and exp. Ed., Trescher, Berlin 2016, p. 90 f .; limited preview in Google Book search