Willi Ebbinghaus

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Willi Ebbinghaus (born September 7, 1914 , † September 20, 2006 ) was a German businessman.


Ebbinghaus was born in what is now the Wuppertal . From the late 1920s he worked as an employee of clothing stores in Dortmund , Essen , Kiel and Munich . In 1945 he settled in Berlin and founded the first store for good clothing with his wife Helga in the Berlin district of Friedenau on the corner of Niedstrasse and Lauterstrasse . In the 1960s, it moved to what is now Walther-Schreiber-Platz and, with eleven branches, was the largest owner-managed retail chain in the city. Ebbinghaus led the company for more than 40 years. In 1989 he handed over management to two of his former apprentices.

In 1947 he initiated the trade association for textile retailers , which was founded in his apartment. The Handelsverband Berlin later emerged from him and Ebbinghaus was its chairman until 1958. As chairman of the large collective bargaining commission of the general association of the retail trade in Berlin for decades, he negotiated the collective bargaining agreements.


  • 1978: Cross of Merit 1st Class of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Golden badge of honor of the Main Association of German Retailers
  • Golden badge of honor of the Federal Association of German Textile Retailers

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