Willi Leininger

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Willi Leininger (born April 20, 1907 in Langen (Hessen) ; † December 28, 1971 in Augsburg ) was an Augsburg composer, editor, music critic / writer and music lecturer . The number of his compositions includes around 300 works from many musical genres (including songs; choir, piano, chamber, organ music; symphonic and sacred music; even folk music).


Childhood and youth

The composer Willi Leininger came on April 20, 1907 as the son of the businessman Rudolf Leininger and his wife Maria, geb. Joke, born in Langen / Hessen. In October 1910 the von Langen family moved to Augsburg, their mother's birthplace (she came from a family of innkeepers in the Pfersee district). From September 1917 he went to high school near St. Anna . On January 30, 1922, he left school in order to begin an apprenticeship as a businessman at the Mebert stove factory on the same day . After completing his apprenticeship on April 15, 1926, he traveled around the world and on his return worked temporarily as a tour guide in Augsburg.

Study time

From spring 1927 to summer 1933 he studied at the Leopold Mozart Conservatory in Augsburg, today's Leopold Mozart Center , where his teachers included Fritz Klopper , Heinrich Kaspar Schmid , Arthur Piechler , Karl Kottermaier and Jost Raba .

In 1929 Karl Kottermaier performed his composition “Kleines Klavierbuch” in the Augsburg stock exchange hall. In 1933 he passed his state examination in composition at the Augsburg Conservatory.

Music teacher / critic

From late March 1934 to 1970 he wrote music reviews for the Neue Augsburger Zeitung / Schwäbische Landeszeitung , which is now known as the Augsburger Allgemeine . This activity was interrupted by the Second World War. He achieved another success on April 21, 1937, when he gave a single broadcast of songs in the series "Neues Schaffen" on what was then the Reichsender Stuttgart .

In the meantime, from June 1935 to October 1945 (compulsory service) he worked in the Augsburg-Stadt tax office. From October 1945 active at the reopened Leopold Mozart Conservatory - now as a theory and music teacher. His most famous students: Franz R. Miller (composer and writer) , Walter Scheidler (music critic of the Augsburger Allgemeine) , Hans Grotz ( opera singer ), Hermann Kropatschek and Prof. Dr. Hermann Regner. In addition to the first music reviews in the Schwäbische Landeszeitung, from 1947 to 1953 commentator activity and musicological lectures in the America houses in Augsburg (approx. 60), Nuremberg (5), Regensburg (4), Bamberg, Coburg, Ingolstadt (3 each), Koblenz and courtyard (2 each); Schweinfurt, Kempten, Passau (1 time each). This was followed by further lectures and courses at the adult education centers in Augsburg, Günzburg, Lauingen, Memmingen and Bobingen (Bavarian Swabia).

Leininger died as a result of a traffic accident on December 28, 1971 in Augsburg. The grave of the Leininger family is preserved in the Protestant cemetery in Augsburg, Haunstetter Str. (Near the grave of Bertolt Brecht's parents ) .


Choir (selection)

  • Ave Maria (S, A, T, B) 1937 - autograph
  • O Savior, tear open the heavens (4th acapella - undated) - autograph
  • Sonnwendspruch for one-part male choir with piano (based on a poem by Billinger) (1933) - autograph

Sacred music - cantatas

  • Small Christmas Cantata for Soprano, Flute, Viola and Organ (1932)
  • Sacred concert No. 2 - alto, viola, organ (1933)
  • Sacred concert No. 5 - soprano, flute, organ - (homage to 90th birthday - soloist: Heinz Leininger, son of the composer)
  • Michaeler Concerto for soprano, violin and organ - Text: Revelation John XII / 7-12 (1957)
  • Siziliana PUER NATUS EST for violin (or flute) and organ (1955) - (program April 20, 1997 - homage to 90th birthday)

Piano (selection)

  • Small piano book (1929) (premiered in 1929 by Karl Kottermaier, Augsburg)
  • Piano Sonata in E flat minor (1939)

Songs (selection)

  • 5 songs for bass baritone op. 9a (spring 1929) 1st spring, 2nd drinking song, 3rd autumnal, 4th love song, 5th to you
  • 4 ballads for bass - op. 23 (winter 1931–1932) 1. - not carried out - , 2. The Soldier, 3. The Old Man, 4. Lament
  • Lullaby for mezzo-soprano and piano op. 20, no. 1 (1930)


  • 12 chorale preludes (1962, 1964, 1967) a . a.
    • Christ is risen
    • A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
    • Praise the Lord
    • Now we ask the Holy Spirit
    • Awake, the voice is calling us
  • Organ Sonata (1957)
  • Passacaglia & Fugue (1963)
  • Missa per ORGANUM (solo organ mass - August 20, 1964) 1st Kyrie, 2nd Gloria (Toccata), 3rd Credo (Passacaglia & Fugue), 4th Sanctus, 5th Benedictus, 6th Agnus Dei - Amen - Deo + soli + gloria - (Premiere April 17, 1967 Dominican Church Holy Cross Augsburg - Anton Göttler - for the 60th birthday, WA April 20, 1997 - for the 90th birthday - Hans-Martin Kemmether)
  • Toccata, fugue & chant for organ (August 1, 1964) - (Premiere November 26, 1967 Barfüsserkirche Augsburg - Wolfgang Kärner)
  • "A strong castle is our god" - Choral concert for organ (1967) - 1st fantasy, 2nd ricercare, 3rd chorale - (premiered August 6th, 1967 Barfüsserkirche Augsburg - Wolfgang Kärner)

Solo concerts

  • Aria æolica for violin and organ
  • Aria dorica for viola and organ
  • In the deep forest - clarinet solo (B-flat) - from: Solo pieces for wind instruments V. - (July 1953)


Printed sheet music editions

  • Aria æolica for violin + organ © Böhm & Sohn Augsburg - BM 117376
  • "The card game" for mix. Choir © 1984 Böhm & Sohn Augsburg - BM 12086
  • “A strong castle is our god” Choral concert for organ (1967) © 1996 Ruricula Music Edition Augsburg - RE 5064-1 (publisher Hans-Martin Kemmether) - currently out of print - reprinted
  • Michaeler concert “And there was a quarrel in heaven” Text: Revelation John XII / 7-12. - Sop.Vl & ​​Org. (1957) - © 1990 Böhm & Sohn Augsburg - BM 115997
  • Missa pro Organum - Mass for solo organ (1964) - © 1997 Ruricula Music Edition Augsburg - RE 5055-1 (ed. Hans-Martin Kemmether) - currently. out of print, in reprint
  • Siziliana Puer natus est - for violin (or flute) and organ (1955) - © 1996 Ruricula Music Edition Augsburg - RE 5565-1 (ed. Hans-Martin Kemmether) - New edition autumn 2008
  • Toccata, Fugue & Choral for Organ (1964) © 2007 Ruricula Music Edition Augsburg - Special edition for the 100th birthday - (Ed. Wolfgang Kärner) currently. Correction / printing - available in music stores from autumn 2008


  • Examination paper 1931 - consideration of the first sonata movement from the beginnings to the Viennese classical period (soon!)
  • Walks in early spring - 1934 (coming soon!)
  • Fifty years of the Tonkünstler-Verein Augsburg 1919–1969 (Augsburg 1969) Title recording based on: Franz Krautwurst , Franz / Zorn, Werner: Bibliography of the literature on the music history of the city of Augsburg, Tutzing 1989, p.137 (No. 1330)


  • Augsburger Stadtlexikon, 2nd edition 1998, Perlach Verlag Augsburg - Leininger, Wilhelm (Willi) - FS / GG

Press articles

  • Augsburger Allgemeine April 18, 1957, December 29, 1971
  • Süddeutsche Zeitung April 15, 1967
  • EBBES - culture magazine Bayr. Schwaben - 1997, no. 1, 30f. - An almost forgotten sound artist - for the composer's 90th birthday (JLJansen)
  • Augsburger Allgemeine Nr. 178/2007 - 4th August 2007 - wit and esprit in every respect - Willi Leininger on his 100th birthday (Sybille Schiller)

Web links