William Francis Medley

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William Francis Medley coat of arms

William Francis Medley (born September 17, 1952 in Loretto , Kentucky , USA ) is Bishop of Owensboro .


William Francis Medley received on 22 May in 1982 by the Archbishop of Louisville , Thomas C. Kelly OP , the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On December 15, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him . to the Bishop of Owensboro. The Archbishop of Louisville, Joseph Edward Kurtz , donated him episcopal ordination on February 10, 2010 ; Co- consecrators were Archbishop Emeritus of Louisville, Thomas Cajetan Kelly OP, and Bishop Emeritus of Owensboro, John Jeremiah McRaith .

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predecessor Office successor
John Jeremiah McRaith Bishop of Owensboro
since 2009