William Whiting Borden

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William Whiting Borden (born November 1, 1887 in Chicago - † April 9, 1913 in Egypt ) was an American Christian missionary and heir to the family fortune of Borden, Inc.

Borden's father, William Borden, got rich thanks to silver mines in Colorado. His mother Mary Degama Whiting introduced him to Christianity and took him regularly to Chicago Avenue Church (now Moody Church ). At the age of sixteen he began a trip around the world. The work of the China Inland Mission impressed him so much that he decided to become a missionary himself. At the request of his parents, he studied at Yale University from 1905 , where he founded the Yale Hope Mission , an evangelistic association and, over the years, gathered up to 1,000 of the 1,300 students in Bible study groups. After graduating from college in 1909, he studied at Princeton Theological Seminary and was ordained on September 9, 1912 in Chicago Avenue Church . He decided to evangelize Muslims in Gansu, northwest China, and in December 1912 traveled to Egypt for missionary training. However, there he fell ill with meningitis after a few months and died.

Borden bequeathed $ 1 million to the China Inland Mission and other Christian agencies. The Borden Memorial Hospital in Lanzhou was named after him.


  • Charles Soutter Campbell: William Whiting Borden: A Short Life Complete In Christ . Yale 1909.
  • Charles Rosenbury Erdman: An ideal missionary volunteer: a sketch of the life and character of William Whiting Borden , Funk & Wagnalls 1913.
  • Mary Geraldine Guinness Taylor ("Mrs. Howard Taylor"): Borden of Yale '09: "The Life that Counts" . China Inland Mission, London and Philadelphia 1926 (several reprints, most recently Bethany House Publishers, 1988).
  • Warren W. Wiersbe: 50 People Every Christian Should Know. Learning from Spiritual Giants of the Faith . Baker Books, Ada, MI 2009, pp. 340-345.

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Individual evidence

  1. No Reserves. No retreats. No regrets. Short biography.