Willy Gaertner

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Willy Gaertner (born January 6, 1899 in Königshütte , † after 1942) was a German lawyer and notary as well as a candidate for the Greater German Reichstag .


After attending grammar school in Königshütte, Gaertner studied law at the University of Breslau . In 1917 and 1918 he took an active part in the First World War. At the end of the war he retired from military service as a lieutenant . In 1921 he was appointed trainee lawyer. The following year his doctorate he attended the University of Wroclaw with a thesis on the Penal Protection of foreign state power and government agencies to Dr. iur. Gartner finished his legal preparatory service in 1925 with the passing of the assessor's examination. He then settled as a lawyer and notary in Breslau.

Gaertner became politically active in the NSDAP from around 1928: For this he was first Gaufführer of the Association of National Socialist German Jurists (BNSDJ) and later Gauführer of the NS-Rechtswahrerbund in Gau Silesia. In this capacity, he was in charge of the administrative office of the Silesian Gau in Breslau, Tauentzienstrasse 14.

Furthermore, he took on tasks as a sub-department head in the staff of the legal department of the Reichsleitung of the NSDAP and as an office manager ("Gauamtsleiter") in the legal department of the Gaueitung of the NSDAP in Gau Silesia. At the end of the Second World War, Gaertner was Gaurerechtsberater for the Gau Lower Silesia.

At the Academy for German Law in Munich , which was founded after the National Socialists came to power , Gaertner became a member of the Inheritance Law Committee. In this position he was directly involved in the transformation and further training of German law in line with the National Socialist worldview. Furthermore, Gaertner was chairman of the board of directors of the Silesian Bar Association and a member of the disciplinary penal senate at the Higher Regional Court of Breslau .

In the 1936 Reichstag election, Gaertner ran unsuccessfully on a lower position in the list. On the occasion of the Reichstag elections of 1938, Gaertner was again nominated as a member of the National Socialist Reichstag in the “List of the Führer for the election of the Greater German Reichstag on April 10, 1938” , but again received no mandate. He was also a candidate for the 1943 Reichstag election, which was finally canceled.

In the area of ​​church politics, Gaertner was elected to the constituent church assembly of the Evangelical Church of the Old Prussian Union for the constituency of Silesia.



Individual evidence

  1. Mitteilungen, Reichs-Rechtsanwalts-Kammer, 1939, page 97 [1] .
  2. Hans Fabricius, Kurt Stamm (ed.): Guide calendar. Movement, state and people in their organizations. Verlag für Recht und Verwaltung, 1935, p. 177.
  3. Handbook for the German Reich, Berlin 1936, p. 366.
  4. ^ Tomasz Kruszewski: Partia Narodowosocjalistyczna na Śląsku w latach 1933-1945 . Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 1995, p. 189 ISBN 8322912781 [2] .
  5. Martin Maletzky: Das Erbrecht des Fiskus , 2001, p. 227
  6. Erich Stockhorst: 5000 heads. Who what in the Third Reich? , Kettwig 1967.
  7. Handbook of the German Protestant Churches 1918 to 1949, p. 230.