Willy Hinck

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Willy Hinck (born February 11, 1915 in Lehe ; † May 13, 2002 in Dangast ) was a regional painter and photographer in Dangast.


Hinck was the son of Wilhelm Hinck and his wife Minna geb. Kunkel. He had a sister. In 1918 the Lehe family moved to Varel. The Hinck family lived there directly at the Varel harbor near the customs office.

Hinck attended elementary school in Varel. His primary school teacher Oesting convinced his parents of their son's talent and recommended attending the secondary school, which he attended from 1926. There he was noticed by the art teacher Heinrich Herbrechtsmeier, who further encouraged him. In 1932 he graduated from secondary school and began an apprenticeship at the Oldenburgische Spar- und Leihbank in Varel. In 1934 he passed his final exam as a banker.

In addition to his work in the bank, Hinck took over parts of the sports reporting for the Vareler newspaper Der Gemeinnützige in 1935 . Local reporting came a little later. In 1939 he took over the management of the local editorial office of the Oldenburgische Staatszeitung in Jever .

In 1943 he married his wife Waltraud geb. Heinrichsdorff; both had a son and a Ulrike.

In 1948 he was able to resume his journalistic activities at the Wilhelmshavener Rundschau in Wilhelmshaven . Due to the lack of a camera, he illustrated his articles with his own drawings, which were very well received.
In 1949 he continued his painting and drawing activity. In 1950 the family moved to Dangast . There lived with his family in a house that he rented from the art collector Düser for two years.
In 1951 he met the painter Franz Radziwill for the first time . First photos were taken.
In 1959 he built his house with his own studio on the grounds of the Villa Irmenfried .

Hinck developed his own technique of watercolor painting. The first beginnings of a garden were created, which mature into a special feature; comparable to the creations of Claude Monet in Giverny and Emil Nolde in Seebüll .

Hinck did not finish his journalistic work until 1973 in order to devote himself entirely to painting and drawing. The first annual exhibition took place in the Irmenfried House Gallery . Two more exhibitions followed each year at a fixed rhythm.

In 1976 a joint work campaign with Anatol Herzfeld took place in the Dangast Kurhaus hall.

In 1997 Hinck donated two paintings to the Vareler Heimatverein.

2013 Willy Hinck was from Schlaraffenreych Varelia aft Diek varelia-achtern-diek.de/ on January 4, 2013 to honor paradise appointed watercolor. Willy Hinck was linked to the Varelia aft diek. One of his watercolors with the cityscape of Varel served as a template for the production of the large canvas picture, which today forms the end of the Karlsburg behind the throne. The Vareler Schlaraffen regularly honor Willy Hinck in their clans. Schlaraffen subscribe to the motto - art, friendship and humor. Willy Hinck would certainly have been Schlaraffe, his death prevented this. The Schlaraffen presented their daughter, Ulrike Hinck, with a certificate of honor in a special sip in March 2019. allschlaraffia.org

The self-taught artist, who became a freelance draftsman and painter, lived in Dangast since 1950. In his works he captured and implemented the coastal region creatively.


  • 1977–1987: Various exhibitions
  • 1988: Anniversary event for the 125th anniversary of the Association for Art and Science in Varel
  • 1990: Exhibition on the artist's 75th birthday in the local museum in Varel
  • 1992: Exhibition in Jever Castle
  • 1993: Exhibition in the Irmenfried House Gallery
  • 1995: Exhibition on the occasion of the 80th birthday. Reception in the Dangaster Kurhaus
  • Permanent exhibition Galerie Willy Hinck in the beach villa Irmenfried in Dangast; Archive with photographs and images


  • Gerd Presler: Willy Hinck, painter from Dangast . Engelhardt and Bauer, 1997, ISBN 392552133X .

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