Wind chimes (instrument)

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Angklung wind chimes from Indonesia , shortened representation
Wind chimes with the eight audible tones a'-d "-f" -g "-a" -d "'- f"' - a "'. The cylinder made of bamboo veneer not only fulfills the function of the housing, it is also that Glockenspiel resonator The tones are generated by eight chime bars on the lower metal ring on the inner wall of the resonator , which are struck from the inside by a hard disk on the cord with the wooden sail .

Ringing wind chimes usually consist of hollow or solid metal or wooden cylinders ( tubular bells ) that are hung outside of buildings so that the wind can play them. The wind can collide with each other, so the cylinder tones to create. Often, balls suspended in the middle are also used to strike the cylinders.

Wind chimes are considered lucky charms in parts of Asia and are used in Feng Shui , among other things .

For some wind chimes, materials such as bamboo, stone, PVC or glass are also used. Special creations also make use of horseshoes, shells or tools. The sounds produced range from decent ringing to dull throbbing. As soon as the wind moves something and sounds can be heard, it is a sounding wind chime.

The sound depends on the material used (steel, aluminum, bronze, alloy, heat treatment, wood, bamboo, etc.), whether the cylinders are hollow or solid, and the wall thickness. The method of suspension also plays a role. Also how the cylinders are struck, e.g. B. with a hard or a soft object, affects the sound.

Wind chimes are also used to observe changes in wind direction. For example, if a wind chime is attached to the north side of a house, only the north wind will move it. So it can alert residents to weather changes.

Wind chimes are also sometimes placed near the shop door in shops. The opening shop door sets the wind chimes in motion and makes the employees aware that a customer has entered the shop.

Decorative movement

A wind chimes can also be decorated decoratively and move in the wind as an additional function to playfully observe changes in the wind direction , or for the sheer joy of observing movement and "the play of the wind".

Wind chimes without any sound generation are widespread as mostly very colorful wind bags, wind turbines, flutter bands and weather cocks ; Whirligigs are also common in the USA .

Web links

Commons : Windspiel  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. How do tones arise in greyhounds ( Memento of the original from December 26, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. in the children's blog from the House of Science Braunschweig ; Retrieved December 26, 2015 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /