Winfried Marotzki

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Winfried Marotzki (born June 4, 1950 ) is a German educator and professor emeritus for general education at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg .


Winfried Marotzki obtained his doctorate in 1983 with the subject of subjectivity and negativity as an educational problem at the University of Hamburg . It was also there that his habilitation took place in 1989 with the work drafting a structural educational theory . His main research interests are learning and educational theory, educational philosophy, anthropology as well as qualitative social research (especially biography research) and internet research, image interpretation and film formation.


Educational theory

Marotzki understands education and its reflection in educational theory : "Educational theory deals with the central reflective positioning of people in the world, in a twofold sense: on the one hand with regard to the relationships he develops to himself (self-reference) and others with regard to the references he develops to the world (world reference). From this perspective, education is the name for the reflexive mode of human being-in-the-world. " The educational theory considerations are empirically applied by Marotzki in educational biography research and are a significant part of his structural media education theory.

Educational biography research

Winfried Marotzki was primarily concerned with educational biography research, which in 1998 became an integral part of the General Educational Science section of the DGfE . Quote: "As a concept, biography is structurally located on the level of subjectivity and social objectivity, on the micro and macro level and thus opens up the possibility of grasping learning and educational processes in the field of tension between subjective and objective analyzes"

Media education

Marotzki recognized the educational potential of the new media very early on. He saw the Internet less as an instrument or tool (e.g. for e-learning purposes), but primarily as a cultural and community space. In addition to numerous publications in the field of educational internet research, this interest led to the establishment of the course media education: Audiovisual culture and communication at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg . The connection between structural educational theory and media education led to the theoretical elaboration of the concept of structural media education .

Fonts (selection)

  • with Benjamin Jörissen: Media Education - An Introduction. Theory - Methods - Analyzes . Julius Klinkhardt Publishing House, Bad Heilbrunn 2009, ISBN 978-3-8252-3189-7 .
  • with Arnd-Michael Nohl and Wolfgang Ortlepp: Introduction to Educational Science . 2 revised edition. Opladen 2006, ISBN 3-8252-8247-3 .
  • with Margret Kraul : Biographical work . Opladen 2002, ISBN 3-8100-3104-6 .
  • Design of a structural theory of education: biographical theoretical interpretation of educational processes in highly complex societies . Weinheim 1990, ISBN 3-89271-221-2 . (released by Marotzki for download at )
  • Subjectivity and negativity as an educational problem: depth psychological, structural u. interaction-theoretical perspectives of modern subjectivity . Frankfurt am Main et al. 1984, ISBN 3-8204-5285-0 .
  • with Arnd-Michael Nohl and Wolfgang Ortlepp: Introduction to Educational Science. Volume 1 from the series UTB L. Introductory Texts Educational Science. Opladen / Farmington Hills 2006, ISBN 3-8252-8247-3 .
  • Edited with Mike Sandbothe : Subjectivity and Public. Fundamental problems of virtual worlds in cultural studies. Cologne 2000, ISBN 3-931606-39-2 .
  • Edited with Horst Niesyto : Image interpretation and image understanding: methodical approaches from a social science, art and media educational perspective . Wiesbaden 2006, ISBN 3-531-15106-1 .
  • Educational Science for High School Teachers / Educational Science for High School Teachers . Weinheim 1996, ISBN 3-89271-652-8 .
  • Edited with Heinz Sünker: Critical Educational Science I - Modernity - Postmodernism . Weinheim 1992, ISBN 3-89271-312-X .
  • Edited with Heinz Sünker: Critical Educational Science II - Modern - Postmodern . Weinheim 1993, ISBN 3-89271-344-8 .
  • Edited with Hans-Christoph Koller , Olaf Sanders : Biographies in Complex Institutions. Students biographies I . Frankfurt, Bern, New York, Paris, 1989.
  • Edited with Rainer Kokemohr : Biographies in Complex Institutions. Student biographies II . Weinheim, 1990.
  • Edited with Hans-Christoph Koller , Olaf Sanders: Educational processes and experience of foreignness . Bielefeld (Transcript) 2007.
  • Edited with Heinz-Hermann Krüger: Handbuch erziehungswissenschaftliche Biographieforschung . 2nd revised edition. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, 2006.
  • Edited with Michael Meuser : Main terms qualitative social research. Barbara Budrich Verlag, Opladen / Farmington Hills 2006, ISBN 3-8252-8226-0 .

Individual evidence

  1. Marotzki: Education Theory and General Biography Research . In: Krüger / Marotzki: Handbook of educational biographical research . 2nd revised edition. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, 2006, p. 61.
  2. Marotzki: Digitized Biographies? In: D. Lenzen, N. Luhmann (Hrsg.): Education and training in the education system. Frankfurt am Main 1997, pp. 175-198; Marotzki: The educational value of the internet. In: Literature and Research Report Further Education. 42, 1998, pp. 82-95.

Web links