Winfried Weinelt

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Winfried Wolfgang Weinelt (born July 15, 1922 in Altenbuch , Czechoslovakia , † December 26, 2003 in Munich ) was a German geologist .


After military service (from 1942) and imprisonment and until 1947 as a mining trainee, Weinelt studied geology at the University of Würzburg with a diploma in 1953 and a doctorate in 1955 (petrological investigations of the mineral-facial conditions in the SW part of the Münchberg gneiss). Until 1957 he was a research assistant in Würzburg and then at the Bavarian State Geological Office in Munich. In 1964 he was Councilor and in 1969 upper government.

He mapped for the geological map of Bavaria in the Spessart with publication of the associated explanations, on the geology of the Spessart and on deposits.


  • Geological map 1: 100,000 of the Spessart Nature Park.
  • with Martin Okrusch u. a .: Explanations of the geological map of Bavaria 1: 25,000, sheet no. 6021 Haibach. Munich 1962, 1–246.
  • with Reinhard Streit u. a .: Explanations for the geological map of Bavaria 1: 25,000, sheet no. 6020 Aschaffenburg. Munich 1971, 133, 1–398
  • with Ulrich Emmert : Explanations of the Geological Map of Bavaria 1: 25,000 sheet No. 5935 Marktschorgast. 1962
  • with R. Streit, M. Okrusch: Explanations of the geological map of Bavaria 1: 25 000. Sheet 5920 Alzenau i. Ufr. 1967
  • with M. Okrusch: Explanations of the Geological Map of Bavaria 1: 25,000 - sheet no. 5921 Schöllkrippen. 1965.
  • with Peter Cramer : Geological map of Bavaria 1: 25,000 No. 5922 by Frammersbach. 1978 (with explanations)
  • with Egon Backhaus : About the geological conditions and the history of mining in the Spessart. In: E. Backhaus (editor): Contributions to the geology of the Aschaffenburg area (= publications of the Aschaffenburg History and Art Association, 10). 1967
  • with Siegfried Matthes , M. Okrusch: The crystalline basement of the Vorspessart. In: E. Backhaus (Ed.): Excursion guide to the 88th annual conference of the Upper Rhine Geological Association from March 28 to April 1, 1967 in Aschaffenburg (excursion B). In: Nachr. Naturwiss. Mus. City of Aschaffenburg. Volume 74, 1967, pp. 21-57
  • with Joachim Lorenz : The basalt of Winzenhohl in the southern crystalline Vorspessart. In: Aufschluss 32, Heidelberg 1981, pp. 25-27
  • with Joachim Lorenz: A new basalt deposit in the southern crystalline Vorspessart. In: Aufschluss 34, Heidelberg 1983, pp. 405-406
  • with M. Okrusch: The crystalline basement in the northern Hochspessart due to the results of new deep boreholes. In: Geologica Bavarica. Volume 87, 1985, pp. 39-60
  • The geology of the Kropfmühl graphite deposit. In: Magma. Volume 4, 1984, pp. 52-56.

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Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Biographical data according to Bruno Freyberg: The geological literature on Northeast Bavaria (1476–1965). Part II: Biographical Author Register. Geologica Bavarica 71, Bavarian State Geological Office 1974
  2. Published in Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrorafische Mitteilungen. Volume 6, 1958, pp. 281-375