Winnie Li

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Wen-Ching "Winnie" Li (born December 25, 1948 in Chiayi ) is a Taiwanese - American mathematician .

life and work

Li studied from 1966 at the National University of Taiwan with a bachelor's degree in 1970 and received his doctorate in 1974 with Andrew Ogg at the University of California, Berkeley ( New Forms and Functional Equations ). In Taiwan she studied with Fan Chung and Sun-Yung Alice Chang . 1974 to 1978 she was Benjamin Peirce Assistant Professor at Harvard University and 1978/79 Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago . In 1979 she became an associate professor and 1984 professor at Pennsylvania State University . There she is Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and also Ho Chin Tui Chair Professor at the National Tsinghua University of Taiwan . Since 2009 she has been director of the National Center for Theoretical Sciences in Hsinchu , Taiwan.

Li deals with automorphic forms , modular forms (including module forms for non-congruence subgroups), number theory , spectra of graphs (Ramanujan graphs) and coding theory .

She was a consultant at Bell Laboratories , visiting professor at the National University of Taiwan, Academia Sinica , Stanford , MSRI in Berkeley, IHES near Paris and Paris-South University in Orsay. In 1978, 1984 and 2000 she was at the Institute for Advanced Study .

She is the Noether Lecturer for 2015. She was a Sloan Research Fellow from 1981 to 1983 , and in 2013 she became a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society . In 2010 she received the Chern Prize at the International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians .

From 1992 to 1996 she was editor of the Transactions of the AMS and since 2002 of the Proceedings of the AMS .

Li has two children.


  • WC Winnie Li: Number theory with applications , World Scientific 1996
  • as editor: Recent trends in coding theory and its applications , AMS 2007

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to American Men and Women of Science , Thomson Gale 2004
  2. ^ Winnie Li in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English) Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used. Published in Mathematische Annalen, Volume 212, 1975, pp. 285-315
  3. Acknowledgment on the occasion of the Noether Lecture, 2014, pdf