Winter in Havana

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Original title Winter in Havana
Country of production Austria , Cuba
original language Spanish
Publishing year 2019
length 90 minutes
Director Walter Grossbauer
script Walter Grossbauer
production Claudia Pöchlauer
music Chris Scheidl, Yosvani Cruz Quevedo
camera Walter Großbauer, Istvan Pajor
cut Walter Grossbauer

After summer in Vienna, Winter in Havana is the second documentary in the tetralogy “The Four Seasons” by the Austrian director , cameraman and filmmaker Walter Großbauer . The cinema release was on February 22, 2019 in Austria and March 7, 2019 in Germany


The wind whips the Caribbean Sea over the parapet of the “ Malecón ”, on which fishermen stand and cast their fishing rods while kissing lovers take photos themselves. For days, wet laundry that does not want to dry has been hanging on the musty facades of the former magnificent buildings on the waterfront. It's winter in Havana .

In “Centro Habana”, like the ruinous teeth of a passionate rum lover, Frank runs his flower shop, which is in danger of collapsing. The Chinese landlord lives in the same room, nestled between roses, alpine trees and butterfly jasmine. Frank used to be a ship painter until flowers changed his life: "Flowers mean love, affection, honesty, friendship, everything that can be in a person." Most of his customers buy flowers for religious reasons. To venerate their saints or as a decorative accompaniment to a Santeria ritual.

Maisel studied painting at the famous "San Alejandro" academy. He recently returned from a cultural mission from Venezuela, where he painted a mural depicting the Bolivarian Revolution. He lives with his parents and fiancée in "Playa", the nostalgic villa district where former revolutionaries and artists live. The environment is like an open-air museum, shaped by his monumental portraits of children, which he paints on house walls. “I would like my art to be shown in a Cuban museum one day. I would love that. "

"Blankita" is the name of the spectacular figure that Yanolis came up with and with which he was named "Queen of humor in Cuba, in the world of transvestites". Yan, as he is called by his friends, lives in "Guanabacoa", a rural suburb where many residents walk their pigs on a leash. His mother's rejection due to his sexual inclination drove him into prostitution. "I am not a resentful person, but there are words that I cannot erase."

Marisol came to Havana four years ago and lives in her son's former auto repair shop. The simple room with the ground floor and a corrugated iron roof is your improvised realm and lies in the heart of the “10 Octobre”, a people's quarter with picturesque charm. Fidel Castro enabled her to train as a watchmaker. “I love to be woken up by dreams and to find out what problem the watch has.” When she's not repairing watches, she washes laundry and cleans pots for a fee to improve her meager pension.

Four people, four fates in a unique city. Accompanied by magical images of picturesque architecture and nature, far from any advertising romanticism that promises sun, beach, cigars and vintage nostalgia. The film allows insights into the reality of life in the idiosyncratic, socialist island state, which is still under the embargo of the USA and to which the Cubans respond with solidarity and zest for life, shouting "Viva la Revolucion" with a clenched fist on the outstretched arm.


  • Wolfgang Hamdorf from writes: "There are unfamiliar images of the Cuban capital, staged against the common clichés of Caribbean socialism."
  • Christoph Prenner from Skip says: Authentic everyday stories with a good feel for people and their worlds
  • Kristina Krisch, Kronen Zeitung, describes the documentary film as “rare side glances into the reality of life for Cubans”

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Winter in Havana
  2. cultura latina: Winter in Havana will be released on February 22nd
  3. Winter in Havana
  4. ^ Winter in Havana
  5. Skip: Winter in Havana
  6. Kronen Zeitung: Winter in Havana