Wolf-Dieter Steinmetz

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Wolf-Dieter Steinmetz (* 1953 in Oldenburg ) is a German prehistoric archaeologist .

Steinmetz studied prehistory , geology and ethnology at the Universities of Göttingen and Münster . He completed his studies with a master's degree . From 1987 he worked at the Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum . He headed the Prehistory and Protohistory Department based in the New Chancellery in Wolfenbüttel , where he organized numerous special exhibitions. This includes an exhibition on the Neolithic Wall Chamber of Remlingen in 1999 and 2000.

Wolf-Dieter Steinmetz and the Friends of Archeology Association (FABL) started prospecting and excavations on the Hünenburg near Watenstedt from 1998 . They were carried out as a multi-year project and continued by archaeologists from the University of Göttingen . From 2006 he carried out excavations on the Isingerode Swedish hill with the FABL association . He retired at the end of 2016. He lives with his wife near Celle .

Fonts (selection)

  • with Gerd Biegel : The Braunschweiger Land. in: Guide to archaeological monuments in Germany. Volume 34. Theiss, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-806-21308-9 .
  • Archeology and history of the Carolingian-Ottonian castle on the Kanstein near Langelsheim , Braunschweig, 2002

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