Wolfgang Frisch (musician)

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Wolfgang Frisch (2016)

Wolfgang Frisch (born February 13, 1974 in Salzburg ) is an Austrian musician and composer .


Wolfgang Frisch with the Surfers Sound System sofa (2013)

In 1996 Wolfgang Frisch founded the band Sofa Surfers with Michael Holzgruber, Markus Kienzl and Wolfgang Schlögl , which made a name for itself in the European dub and techno scene. The guitarist and producer released his first solo album, The Hundred , in 2008 , followed by another in 2011, Watering the Land . In 2011 he also produced the singer Katika's debut album , Ricaricare . Frisch worked as a stage composer, for example for the Schauspielhaus and the theater in der Josefstadt , and as a film composer. He is a member of the Academy of Austrian Films . He was nominated for the Austrian Film Prize 2016 for the film music for Das Ewige Leben , which he created with Markus Kienzl .



  • 2008: The Hundred
  • 2011: Watering the Land


Web links

Commons : Wolfgang Frisch  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Sofa Surfers. In: Oesterreichisches Musiklexikon . October 4, 2006, accessed May 15, 2016 .
  2. Live @ RKH: Wolfgang Frisch. Music Information Center Austria , June 18, 2012, accessed May 15, 2016 .
  3. ^ Works. In: Internet presence of Wolfgang Frisch. Retrieved May 15, 2016 .
  4. ^ Members. Academy of Austrian Films , April 4, 2016, accessed on May 15, 2016 .
  5. ^ Nominations for the Austrian Film Prize 2016. Academy of Austrian Films , accessed on May 15, 2016 .