Wolfgang Weiß (politician)

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Wolfgang Weiß (born November 21, 1954 in Stendal ) is a German university professor and member of the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania ( Die Linke ).


Wolfgang Weiß finished school in 1973 with the Abitur, worked as a dock worker and did military service in the National People's Army . He then graduated from 1976 to 1980 as a teacher of mathematics and geography. After studying research, he received his doctorate in geography at the University of Greifswald in 1984 and qualified as a professor in 1989. From 1989 to 1998 he worked as a professor at the universities of Greifswald, Passau and Paderborn. Since then, he has headed a private institute for regional and environmental research in the social sciences and is a lecturer at the University of Greifswald.


Weiß has been a member of the Left Party since 2007. He holds mandates in the local council of Süderholz and in the district council of the Vorpommern-Rügen district , there as 2nd vice-president.

He is the district chairman of the North Western Pomerania party.

In the state elections in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in 2016 , he was given a seat on his party's state list.

Employee of the GDR State Security

In December 2017, the Stasi review commission of the Schwerin state parliament identified not only information about a full-time job for MPs Enrico Komning (AfD) and Torsten Koplin (left) for the Ministry for State Security of the GDR, but also connections to Wolfgang Weiß's work as a social worker for Security (GSM) established. Weiss denied the allegations by saying that he had "never committed" to working with the Stasi. He also explained the information by saying that a security file from his time as an NVA NCO was possibly taken over by the Stasi.

A report published by the review commission in August 2019 confirmed that unofficial cooperation for the MfS was to be "regarded as proven". The documents of the former main department show that during his time in the NVA in the mid-1970s, Weiss reported on other soldiers for about a year. The subject of this was the reception of West channels , the theoretical possibility of fleeing the republic or plans to leave the country of a soldier's family members. White also gave character assessments. According to the report of the commission, the MfS assessed Weiss' unofficial work as "very good". The appointment for this took place in 1975, in addition, the call for trusting cooperation with the State Security was made in writing. The Commission notes that no further commitments were made or no code names were given.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The State Returning Officer: Applicants elected from state lists (second votes)
  2. Thomas Volgmann: References to contacts: Stasi allegations in the state parliament | svz.de. Retrieved August 28, 2019 .
  3. ^ NDR: Member of the state parliament worked for the Stasi. Retrieved August 28, 2019 .