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Municipality of Oberkrämer
Coordinates: 52 ° 42 ′ 11 ″  N , 13 ° 2 ′ 46 ″  E
Height : 51 m
Postal code : 16727
Area code : 03304
Wolfslake (Brandenburg)

Location of Wolfslake in Brandenburg

Wolfslake is a residential area belonging to the Neu-Vehlefanz district in the municipality of Oberkrämer in the Oberhavel district of Brandenburg .


Oak ring Wolfslake
Speedway Bundesliga Wolfslake versus Stralsund

The Wolfslake sheep farm was first mentioned in 1603. In 1649 it was set up for 900 sheep. In 1682 the sheep farm belonged to Klein Ziethen in the Bötzow office (later called Oranienburg office ). In 1719, in the course of further acquisitions for the Oranienburg office, the Vehlefanz office was split off.

1745 is mentioned a jug. Frederick II had a colony for veterans of his army established in Wolfslake as well as a little further east on Heerstrasse in the newly created Neu-Vehlefanz . In Wolfslake he created four Büdner positions , each with two acres of arable land and four acres of meadow.

In 1772 there were 16 people living in Wolfslake. Around 1800 the small place was called a colony, it had 32 inhabitants. In 1834, when the Vehlefanz office was dissolved, he returned to the Oranienburg office. In 1840 there were six houses and about 60 residents. In 1860, in addition to the six residential buildings, one public building and 13 farm buildings were counted.

In 1894 it was merged with Neu-Vehlefanz and was designated as a district of Neu-Vehlefanz in 1957 and 1964. At times one of the Büdnerhäuschen belonged to the city of Berlin , which set up a youth hostel there. This in turn made for nationwide fame because the young Gustav Büchsenschütz wrote on a hike with the Bismarck Order, a right-wing extremist split from the Bismarck youth , here the song Märkische Heide, märkischer Sand , also known as " Steige hoch, du red eagle ". This later became the unofficial national anthem of Brandenburg. A memorial stone in the village itself reminds of this.

The place gained national fame through the service area of the same name on the western part of the federal motorway 10 / Berliner Ring. In Wolf Lake that lies Speedway -distance "Eichenring Wolf Lake" in which the Speedway League team of Wolf Lake Falubaz Berlin has its home. In addition to the Bundesliga events, international and national speedway tournaments are also held there.


  • Lieselott Enders : Historical local dictionary for Brandenburg. Part III Havelland. 452 p., Hermann Böhlaus successor Weimar 1972.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Werner Bader: Climb up, you red eagle. World hits from Märkisches Sand. Westkreuz-Verlag, Bad Münstereifel 1988, ISBN 3-922131-64-6 , p. 55 .
  2. Speedway Team Berlin / Wolfslake