Yaacov Trope

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Yaacov Trope (born June 17, 1945 ) is an American psychologist . He is a professor at New York University .


Trope studied psychology and sociology at Tel Aviv University ( BA , 1970). He then studied social psychology at the University of Michigan ( MA , 1972 and Ph.D. , 1974). Until 1989 he taught at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (since 1984 as a professor). From 1990 to 1998 he was a professor at Tel Aviv University, and since 1990 at New York University. He was visiting professor at the University of Toronto (1979–1980), the University of Michigan (1980), New York University (1983) and Princeton University (1983). In 2012 he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences .

Trope is married and has three children.


Tropes research areas are firstly the influence of psychological distance on the representation of objects and related predictions, evaluations and decisions. His second research interest is self-control processes . Third, Trope deals with the difference between analytical and associative thinking and the influence of affects and desires on decisions.

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