Yagi Yoshinori

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Yagi Yoshinori ( Japanese 八 木 義 徳 ; born October 21, 1911 in Muroran , Hokkaidō Prefecture ; † November 9, 1999 ) was a Japanese writer and since 1989 member of the Japanese Academy of Arts .


Yagi attended middle school in his hometown of Muroran and then enrolled at the Imperial University of Hokkaidō for fisheries, but left the university early and without a degree. He then enrolled in the "Second Waseda Upper School" ( 第二 早 稲 田 高等 学院 ) and then studied French literature at Waseda University . During his time at the high school he edited the magazine Mokushi ( 黙 示 ) with Nakamura Hachirō , Tsuji Ryōichi and Tada Yūkei , and at the university he participated in the Waseda Bungaku . He is fascinated by Arishima Takeo and Dostoevsky , studied with Yokomitsu Riichi and published his first work in 1937 under the title Azarashi ( 海豹 ). In 1944 he received the renowned Akutagawa Prize for his work Ryūkanfū ( 劉廣福 ) alongside Obi Jūzō .


Works (selection)

So far none of his works has been translated into German.

  • 1946 Boshi chingon ( 母子 鎮 魂 )
  • 1948 Watashi no Sonya ( 私 の ソ ー ニ ャ )
  • 1976 Kazamatsuri ( 風 祭 )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 八 木 義 徳 プ ロ フ ィ ー ル (profile of Yagi Yoshinori). In: 八 木 義 徳 文学 館 . Archived from the original on March 15, 2014 ; Retrieved March 14, 2014 (Japanese).