Yahoo Search Marketing

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Yahoo Search Marketing (formerly Overture Services ) is an international provider of commercial search services on the Internet based in Pasadena, California , USA . The company is part of the US parent company Yahoo .

Company history and strategy

Using search engines and portals such as AltaVista , MSN , Yahoo and many more, Yahoo Search Marketing brings companies that offer products on the Internet together with potential customers who are actively searching for products and services in real time. This means that an entrepreneur assigns certain keywords (or search words) to his product. If a user is looking for one of the above Search engines then after one of the defined search words appears the advertisement of the company through keyword advertising . If the user then clicks on such an ad, mostly text, Yahoo Search Marketing bills a predetermined amount. This is very similar to the principle of the competitor Google AdWords .

The company was founded in 1998 and is considered a pioneer in the field of search engine marketing . It all started with . This is where the principle of the so-called P4P (Pay for Performance) was invented . Later, under the name of Overture , it became possible for the growing search engines to get money for the pure search results. Companies paid for their websites to be found at the top. In 2003 Overture was bought by one of its largest customers. Yahoo made the deal for $ 1.7 billion. Initially unchanged, Overture was later restructured and renamed Yahoo Search Marketing as part of the merger.

Since mid-2012, the German, Austrian and Swiss markets have been handled via Microsoft's advertising platform Bing Ads . At the time, the advertising campaigns were first automatically converted to Microsoft Advertising adCenter , and the platform was later renamed Bing Ads. In terms of operation and the range of functions, this is clearly based on Google AdWords and also offers a direct import from Google AdWords.

It now has branches in the USA, Europe, Asia, Australia and South America. The company's headquarters are in Pasadena, USA. The head office outside the US is in Dublin, Ireland.