Yangtzekiang Garment

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Yangtzekiang Garment Limited
legal form Limited
founding 1949
Seat Hong Kong , People's Republic of China
management Peter Chan Wing Fu
Number of employees 3600
sales 749.28 HKD
80.97 million EUR
Branch textiles
Website www.ygm.com.hk
As of March 31, 2018

The Kiang Garment Limited (also YGM Group ) is a Chinese clothing manufacturer, which mainly produces on behalf of other fashion companies.


The company was founded in 1949 by Chan Sui-kau. The company initially focused on the production of shirts for the Chinese market. The first exports to Europe and the USA soon followed. From the 1960s on, pants and suits were also made. In 1970 the company went public on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange . In the 1980s, the first foreign production was set up in Saipan , and more followed in the 1990s in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. In 1990 Hong Kong Knitters Ltd. accepted. Further production sites followed in the 2000s in Bangladesh and Lesotho . A license and sales agreement has been in place with the German shirt manufacturer Olymp for the Chinese market since 2006 .

Production sites

Today the company has production sites in China (including Guigang , Panyu and Wuxi ), Bangladesh and Myanmar.


The company produces for the following brands, among others:

Individual evidence

  1. a b 2018 Annual Report , accessed June 7, 2018
  2. About YGM , at www.ygm.com.hk , accessed June 7, 2019
  3. ↑ The company still has an ace up its sleeve "The shirt is our hero" , at www.handelsblatt.com , accessed on June 8, 2019