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The Sophomore Tennis Club at Clemson College 1911

As sophomores (presumably from Greek σοφός sophós , German 'wise' , and μωρός mōrós , German 'foolish, stupid' , together roughly 'wise fool') are in the education system of the United States and other states, such as Malaysia , as a rule Second year pupils and students at their respective educational institutions .


At high school , which usually covers grades 9 to 12 in secondary education , the term usually refers to tenth graders.

In the undergraduate courses of US universities , traditionally especially at colleges , the term is reserved for students in the 3rd and 4th semester. In the first year of study the title is Freshman , in the third junior and in the fourth senior .

An exception are the military academies, which instead or in addition use the terms Plebe for Fourth Classmen, Yearling or Yuk for Third Classmen, Cow for Second and Firsty (plural: Firsties ) for First Classmen. The Plebe Summer is a training program run by the Naval Academy before the start of the first year of study.


Competitive sports in the United States take place exclusively in colleges. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and comparable associations now allow so-called student athletes (German: "student athletes") to be allowed to practice their sport at universities for up to four years (possibly also with interruptions). Usually the same names apply to them, but due to injuries an athlete may be red-shirted and the names of the academic and athletic academic year may differ.

Since professional athletes are considered rookies in their first season , only the term sophomore has caught on in professional sport for players in their second year of careers. In particular, in the National Basketball Association (NBA) there was an NBA All-Star Weekend Rookie Challenge during the annual NBA All-Star Weekend from 2000 to 2011 , in which rookies competed against sophomores in a demonstration game. Since 2015, local athletes from the first two career years have been playing against international players from the same career period.

Individual evidence

  1. Jessica Stahl: New For the Glossary: ​​Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior. On: Voice of America News website; Washington, DC, April 2, 2011. Retrieved November 26, 2018 (in English).