Yellowtail Dam

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Yellowtail Dam at
Bighorn Lake
The dam of the Yellowtail Dam
The dam of the Yellowtail Dam
Location: Montana (USA; reservoir as far as Wyoming )
Tributaries: Bighorn River , Shoshone River
Drain: Bighorn River
Larger places nearby: Fort Smith
Yellowtail Dam (Montana)
Yellowtail Dam
Coordinates 45 ° 18 '28 "  N , 107 ° 57' 27"  W Coordinates: 45 ° 18 '28 "  N , 107 ° 57' 27"  W.
Data on the structure
Construction time: 1961-1966
Height above foundation level : 160 m
Height of the structure crown: 1115.57  m
Building volume: 1.1817 million m³
Crown length: 451 m
Crown width: 6.7 m
Base width: 44.8 m
Power plant output: 4 × 66 MW
Data on the reservoir
Altitude (at congestion destination ) 1115.57  m
Reservoir length 114 km
Storage space 1761 million m³
Catchment area 50 893  km²

The Yellowtail Dam was built between 1961 and 1966 by the Bureau of Reclamation in Montana ( USA ). It is located near Fort Smith and 45 miles southwest of Hardin in Big Horn County . The dam is named after Robert Yellowtail , a famous chief of the Crow Indians .

Part of the Bighorn reservoir

The dam , with its arch dam one of the highest in the Missouri River basin , dams the Bighorn River to Bighorn Lake , one of the largest reservoirs in the Missouri area. It is the main attraction of the Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area , which is under the administration of the National Park Service . Its shoreline is more than 300 km long.

The dam serves as a water reservoir , flood protection , hydropower generation, irrigation , water supply for industry, fishing, sediment control and recreation.

The project was decided in the Flood Control Act of December 22, 1944.

See also

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