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Zafadola , whose real name is Saif ad-Daula Ahmad III. , was the last ruler of the Hudid dynasty . From the former Taifa of Saragossa only the fortress Rueda remained, over which he commanded from 1130.


The fortress of Rueda with a neo-arabic wall

Zafadola is the Latinized form of the honorary title Saif ad-Daula , the sword of the dynasty ( Arabic سيف الدولة, DMG sayf al-dawla ). The full name of Zafadola was Ahmad III. Abu Dscha'far ibn Abd al-Malik al-Mustansir or Arabic بو جعفر أحمد بن عبد الملك بن هود المستنصر سيف الدولة, DMG abū ǧaʿfar aḥmad ibn ʿabd al-malik ibn hūd al-mustanṣir sayf al-dawla . He was the son of Abd al-Malik Imad ad-Daula .

After Saragossa was conquered by the Almoravids in 1110 , Abd al-Malik and Saif ad-Daula fled to Rueda in order to organize the resistance from there. Here they received help from Alfonso I , King of Aragon . In addition to Rueda, they also commanded Borja and some forts around Calatayud .

His father Abd al-Malik had died in 1130. Saif ad-Daula therefore sent ambassadors to the court of Alfonso VII of Léon in 1131 to recognize him as a liege lord. The latter then sent an embassy consisting of Count Rodrigo Martínez and King Gutierre Fernández de Castro's advisor to Rueda to negotiate final details. Saif ad-Daula finally went with his sons to Alfonso VII, handed over to Rueda and became his vassal from 1039 . In exchange, Alfonso VII transferred lands in the Taifa of Toledo , in the Estremadura and in the Douro Valley to Saif ad-Daula, with the task of defending part of the southern border against the Almoravids.

In 1135 Saif ad-Daula took part in the coronation ceremony of Alfonso VII in León .

Armed conflicts

In addition to his hatred of the Almoravids, against whom he had fought passionately, Saif ad-Daula had also fought Alfonso I.

After the death of Ali ibn Yusuf in 1143, revolts against the Almoravids had broken out. Saif ad-Daula seized this opportunity to excel as a representative of the ancient royal nobility and the last representative of the Hudids. He participated in several successful battles against the Almoravids and was able to move into Córdoba , Jaén , Granada and Murcia in 1145 . Valencia also followed in 1146 .

However, the rebels in Baeza , Úbeda and Jaén refused to pay tribute to Saif ad-Daula and so Alfonso VII sent his vassal his best knights Manrique Pérez de Lara , Ponç de Cabrera and Ermengol de Urgell in support . As a result, the rebels found themselves in a hopeless position and submitted to Saif ad-Daula. Strengthened in this way, he believed that he could now get rid of the Castilian guardianship.

On February 5th (or 11th) February 1146 there was therefore the battle of Chinchilla with the Christian army, led by Ermengol VI and his personal adversary, the ruler at Chinchilla de Monte-Aragón (near Albacete ) by Cuenca Abdallah ibn Farag al-Tagri . Together with Abdallah ibn Mardanisch , the father of Ibn Mardanīsch , Saif ad-Daula was captured in the course of the battle and later killed by some soldiers. The exact circumstances of his death are still controversial.


  • Pascal Buresi: La frontière entre chrétienté et islam dans la péninsule ibérique: you days à la Sierra Morena (fin XIe-milieu XIIIe siècle) . Publibbok, 2004.
  • Pierre Guichard: Les musulmans de Valence et la Reconquête (XIe-XIIIe siècle) . Institut français de Damas, 1990-1991, Damascus.
  • Huici Miranda, Ambrosio: Los Banu Hud de Zaragoza, Alfonso el Batallador y los almoravides (Nuevas aportaciones) . In: Estudios de Edad Media de la Corona de Aragon . tape 1 , 1962, pp. 7-37 .

Individual evidence

  1. Maíllo Salgado, Felipe and Ibn al-Kardabūs: Historia de al-Ándalus (3rd ed.) . Akal, Madrid 2008.
  2. Canal Sánchez-Pagin, José María: El Conde Gómez González de Candespina: su historia y su familia . In: Anuario de estudios medievales . tape 33 (1) , 2003, pp. 37-68 .
  3. Catlos, Brian A .: The Victors and the Vanquished: Christians and Muslims of Catalonia and Aragon, 1050-1300 . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2004.
  4. García Fitz, Francisco: ¿Una "España musulmana, sometida y tributaria"? la España que no fue . In: Historia. Instituciones. Documentos . tape 31 , 2004, p. 227-48 .
  5. García-Osuna Rodríguez, José María Manuel: El rey Alfonso VII "El emperador" de León . In: Anuario Brigantino . tape 35 , 2012, p. 99-160 .
  6. Ubieto Arteta, Antonio: La Historia Roderici y su fecha de redacción . tape 11 . Saitabi: revista de la Facultat de Geografia i Història, 1961, p. 241-46 .