Zanetto Bugatto

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Zanetto Bugatto († 1476 ) is a northern Italian painter of the 15th century who is known for his portraits at the court of the Dukes of Milan .


Attributed to Ludovico Sforza, Bugatto

Bugatto, who possibly came from Milan, can be traced back to 1458 as a portraitist at the court of the Sforzas in Milan. Around 1460 he is said to have painted a portrait of Duke Ippolita Sforza's daughter. Duke Francesco Sforza sent him to Brussels to study painting with Rogier van der Weyden ; in Brussels it is recorded from December 1460 to May 1463. There he painted, among other things, a portrait of the daughter of the Duke of Burgundy, which was to be presented to the French king. Then he returned to Italy. In 1465 he was involved in improving the frescoes in San Vincenzo in Prato. In 1468 he stayed at the court of Louis XI. in France to make a portrait of Bona von Savoyen, sister of the French queen, who married Duke Galeazzo Maria Sforza that same year . In 1471 he was at the Gonzaga court in Mantua to study Andrea Mantegna's paintings . In 1472 he worked with Bonifacio Bembo in Santa Maria delle Grazie near Vigevano and in 1473 with Bembo and Vincenzo Foppa in San Celso and the ducal chapel in the castle of Pavia. Most recently he was busy with Bempo and others on the frescoes of the Franciscan Church of San Giocomo in Pavia.

After his death in 1476, the Duke wanted to take Antonello da Messina as his successor as court painter, but the Duke's assassination intervened. Another court painter and portraitist to the Dukes of Milan at the time was Bonifacio Bembo .

He played a special role in Lombard painting of the 15th century, as documentary evidence of the influence of painters north of the Alps (especially Flemish painters) can be proven.

His works include various portraits of the ducal family of Milan and other people at the court and a Madonna and Child (Fondazione Cagnola alla Gazzada). However, the attributions of portraits preserved today are mostly uncertain. He was also credited with a crucifixion in Brussels, a diptych in the Musée Condé (which was also ascribed to Memling and Rogier van der Weyden) and a saint Jerome in the Accademia Carrara in Bergamo (who had a picture with the same motif by Hans Memling in Brussels has as a model). He also provided the templates for the portraits on coins and medals of the Duke and cardboard boxes for stained glass windows in the chapel in the Castle of Pavia.

Male portrait, attributed to Bugatto, Museés de Chateauroux


  • Luke Syson : Zanetto Bugatto, court portraitist in Sforza Milan. In: The Burlington Magazine. Volume 138, May 1996, No. 1118, pp. 300-308.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Letter from the wife of Duke Bianca Maria Visconti to Rogier van der Weyden, May 7, 1463.
  2. Because of this stay, an influence of Jean Fouquet and other French painters has been suggested.
  3. ^ A letter from the Duke of March 9, 1476 to his ambassador in Venice, Leonardo Botta, has been received.
  4. It is documented in this context for ten gold medals, which were very expensive at the time, with pictures of Duke Galeazzo and his wife from November 12, 1470 to March 3, 1471.