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Afghan Scout Association ( Pashto : د افغانستان څارندوی ټولنه Da Afghanistan Sārandoy Tolena ) shortly Afghanistan Scout Association is in the Iranian solar year, acc. 1931 / 1932 in Afghanistan established.


1931 to 1947

The organization announced its founding in the reign of Nadir Shah with around 300 members. From 1932 she was a member of the World Scout Organization (WOSM) . But as early as 1947, the organization was banned by the government because the boy scouts had been accused of being fire worshipers . During a tent camp , they made music and sang songs around a campfire .

1956 to 1978

In 1957 the organization was rebuilt as part of the democratization efforts in Afghanistan and had about 7,000 members. At that time, King Zahir Shah's uncles were in power.

The court, headed by King Zahir Shah at the time, was very impressed by the organization. The initiators of the Afghan section have added further duties, such as duty to the king, nation and country , to the general principles of the scouting movement . Discipline and duty were welcome educational goals for the rulers, who, compared to other states, organized the organization very tightly and almost militarily. Although the rulers used this organization to stabilize the state, the organization made a major contribution to youth work in Afghanistan despite this instrumentalization , especially in terms of responsibility, independence, a sense of community and equality, as well as mutual respect and behavior towards girls and women Women.

Some of the king's sons and members of his court also donned the gulf. The Federal Republic of Germany donated the gap for the Afghan scout organization. The services of the organization benefited predominantly the children of the privileged strata of society, in particular from the tribe of the king and their upper strata of the state, who left the country when the pro-Soviet forces took over power.

As a state authority, the organization was affiliated with the Ministry of Education, chaired by Dr. Omar Wardak sat while Dr. Popal was Minister of Education. During his tenure, a school for the education and training of scout group leaders was founded.

From the Federal Republic of Germany came Dr. Eberhard Krüger and Mrs. Rosemarie Jungermann to train the scout teachers in Afghanistan.

During Nassim's tenure in 1964, the organization participated in the Fourth Scout Conference in Malaysia and received the membership certificate to the World Scout Conference.

From 1959 women played a major role in building the organization. Afghan scouts and girl guides took part in the festivals and independence celebrations in the 1960s and 1970s as part of the setting up and organization of cultural events. Mermon Parwin supported the organization, sang some boy scout songs and performed repeatedly in the festival pavilion of the boy scout organization.

In 1961, a group of scouts under the leadership of the President attended the 11th Scout Jamboree in Greece and presented themselves at the 19th International Scout Conference. On June 1, 1964, the Afghan Scout Organization was accepted as a member of the World Scouts. Dr. Said Habib was the deputy president of the Afghan scout organization. He supported the establishment of music groups.

The youth and women's work as well as the music, sport and games of the scout organization increased steadily from 1964 to 1973. The clubs, which now had local groups in different parts of the country, founded, for example, other music groups, organized tent camps and carried out other leisure-time educational measures in which the children and young people learned handicrafts, painting and singing. However, most of the organization's activities were limited to Kabul.

1978 to 2001

With the coup of the pro-Soviet groups, the scout organization became part of the Interior Ministry and had to take over police duties.

Scouting went downhill when Daud came back to power. During the years of unrest and war, after the coup of 1978, around 10 million people left the country and looked abroad, especially in Pakistan (around 5 million people) and in Iran (around 3 million) , Refuge. At the beginning of the unrest years, the privileged sections of the population left the country, so that such organizations could no longer exist in the interior. The name Zarandoi was adopted by the Afghan security forces and the organization became part of the Afghan Police.

2001 until today

After the fall of the Taliban in 2002, efforts were made to found scout clubs. So far, however, nobody there seems to be seriously interested in rebuilding or establishing a scout organization in Afghanistan.

In Germany some alumni have founded an association APV (Afghan Scout Organization) abroad. The association is integrated into the Association of German Old Scout Guilds . Attempts by the association, which is based in Lingen , to set up an organization in Afghanistan, have so far not been well received there.

In 2004 a scout organization is said to have been founded in Afghanistan, about whose activities little information is available.


  1. see also Mitrakult , Zoroastrismus and Eternal Flame in Eternal Lamp

See also

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