Schmalenbach's journal for business research
Schmalenbach's Journal for Business Research (zfbf) | |
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description | scientific journal of the business administration |
language | German English |
publishing company | Springer Science + Business Media SA |
First edition | 1906 |
Frequency of publication | monthly (8 × / year as zfbf (German); 4 × / year as sbr (English)) |
editor | Alfred Wagenhofer (editor) and others |
Web link | |
Article archive | Volumes and issues |
ISSN (print) | 0341-2687 |
ISSN (online) | 2366-6153 |
Schmalenbach's magazine for business research ( zfbf ) is one of the leading specialist magazines for business studies in Germany. It appears together with the English-language Schmalenbach Business Review (sbr) .
Eugen Schmalenbach founded the newspaper in 1906 as a journal for commercial research . It should promote the development of business administration as an independent science. Schmalenbach himself said "[...] I had the strange ambition to turn my subject into a science". Due to the fact that business management was still in its infancy, interest in such a magazine was rather low and so Schmalenbach was initially forced to write a large part of the articles himself. The newspaper had two goals when it was founded. On the one hand, detailed material on operational processes was to be obtained and essays were to be written which would bring new knowledge to science. In 1915 Schmalenbach wanted to let the newspaper rest, but his publishing house GA Gloeckner urged him to continue writing, which is why he did so. In 1933 Schmalenbach resigned from his editorial office and from his teaching post at the University of Cologne . His successor was Ernst Walb , his student and also from the University of Cologne. In the war year of 1944 there were only five articles and no magazine appeared in the following years.
In 1949 a magazine appeared again for the first time, supported by the Schmalenbach Association and edited by Karl Hax of the TU Darmstadt . The new publisher was Westdeutsche Verlag . From 1963 the newspaper was called Schmalenbach's magazine for business research , (ZfbF). 2000 when a change in spending in January, April, July and October appeared instead of the German zfbf now Schmalenbach business review (sbr) in English. Both were published by Handelsblatt Fachmedien ( Handelsblatt publishing group ) until the end of 2015 , and have been published by Springer Science + Business Media since then .
The number of copies in 2006 was 2,846. In January, April, July and October the journal appears in English as Schmalenbach's business review, in the other months it appears in German as Schmalenbach's journal for business research . In addition, two special issues appear annually on special topics.
At the end of 2020, the ZfbF will discontinue its publications in German. From January 2021, the Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research (SBUR) will be the joint official journal of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e. V. and the Association of University Lecturers for Business Administration e. V. (VHB), thereby replacing the previous official association journals Business Research (BuR) and Schmalenbach Business Review (SBR).
The magazine ranking VHB-JOURQUAL (2008) classified zfbf and sbr in category B ; in the ABWL sub-ranking they took 16th and 17th place.
Web links
- Schmalenbach's journal for business research. Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research. About (portrait). In: Springer Nature (English, German)
- ^ Schmalenbach: Journal for commercial research. 1931, p. 1.
- ↑ Schmalenbach's Journal for Business Research (ZfbF) / Schmalenbach Business Review (SBR). In: Retrieved October 30, 2016 .
- ↑ Schmalenbach's journal for business research. Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research. About (portrait). In: Springer Nature , accessed on July 23, 2020.
- ↑ Ulf Schrader, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau : VHB-JOURQUAL2: ABWL sub-ranking ( Memento from February 16, 2009 in the Internet Archive ). In:, University of Paderborn , 2008, accessed on July 23, 2020.