Center for Inclusion Research Berlin

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The Center for Inclusion Research Berlin ( ZfIB ) of the Humboldt University in Berlin links science, civil society and politics through a variety of activities. For example, the dialogue between different actors is promoted within the framework of various event formats. Furthermore, members of the Center for Inclusion Research are being asked as experts in the implementation of inclusion. The center bundles research from different disciplines on societal discrimination, exclusion and participation processes on a local, regional, national and international level. The interdisciplinary center for inclusion research Berlin was founded on January 17th, 2018.

The Center for Inclusion Research represents a concept of inclusion that encompasses different lines of difference and their constructions, such as B. Origin, gender, disability / ability and sexual orientation. The members and cooperation partners of the ZfIB come from science, civil society and politics inside and outside Berlin. There are currently five interdisciplinary work areas in which the center members work together on various relevant topics and issues, develop and carry out projects, organize events and jointly publish. For example, a research project based at the ZfIB is investigating how school inclusion in Germany is implemented.

Members of the ZfiB cooperate with four Palestinian universities ( Islamic University Gaza ; University Bir Zait , Ramallah; University Nablus ; Al-Quds University , Jerusalem) and with the Palestinian Ministry of Education in Ramallah. The common goal is to strengthen the subject of inclusive education in teacher training in order to enable people with disabilities in the Palestinian territories to participate in society and especially in working life through improved education.

Another focus of the ZfIB is the promotion of young scientists. The graduate school "Inclusion - Education - School: Analysis of Processes of Social Participation" was integrated into the ZfIB and the Young Science Network was founded. The Young Science Network operates a blog that looks at various aspects of inclusion, e. B. Participation and allowing voices from science, civil society and politics to have their say.


The founding members include people from various institutes and faculties at the Humboldt University in Berlin as well as other academic institutions such as B. the Berlin Science Center for Social Research (WZB), the Free University of Berlin (FU), the Technical University of Berlin (TU), the Evangelical University of Berlin (EHB) and the Catholic University of Social Sciences Berlin (KHSB).

The ZfIB has a statute that defines who can become a member of the ZfIB.

The general assembly elects the center council, which consists of the center director and the deputy, the managing director, up to five other university lecturers and - if there are appropriate members - two academic employees, one enrolled student and one other employee. The Center Council meets two to four times a year. It is the central decision-making body of the ZfIB. This is where fundamental matters are discussed and decided. In addition, the Center Council offers a forum for regular exchange on activities and concerns of the ZfIB work areas, as five of its members are also the speakers of the five work areas.

The center is managed by the center director (founding director Vera Moser 2018–2020, since April 2020 Gudrun Wansing) and the deputy ( Michael Komorek since 2018) and the managing director of the ZfIB (Elisabeth Plate from 2018–2020, since April 2020 Ellen Brodesser).

The Center Council appoints the Scientific Advisory Board, which is made up of personalities from science and other areas of public life. The advisory board advises the center in particular on questions of scientific development and quality assurance of the work of the center.

Work areas of the center

Within the ZfIB there are five interdisciplinary work areas in which the center members work together on relevant topics and issues, develop and carry out projects, organize events, jointly publish etc. a. Each work area meets at least four times a year. The content of the work areas is based on the one hand on fundamental reference disciplines of inclusion research such as education, politics, law, sociology and on the other hand on the social dimensions of social participation.

In detail, there are currently the following five work areas:

  • Work area I: Inclusion in the context of social science and humanities theory formation
  • Work area II: Inclusion in the context of legal and socio-philosophical analyzes
  • Work area III: Inclusion in the context of education and upbringing
  • Work area IV: Inclusion in the context of work and profession
  • Work area V: Inclusion in the context of democratic development

ZfIB projects

A major milestone of the ZfIB was the kick-off event in February 2019. The conference was aimed at all people and organizations who are interested in the topics of inclusion and exclusion. It was the beginning of the desired multi-perspective dialogue on social exclusion, social inequality, inclusion and participation.

Current joint projects of the ZfIB are a joint publication by the members of ZfIB working area I and a study on the implementation of school inclusion according to the UN Disability Rights Convention in the German federal states in working area III. In addition, numerous other projects in the fields of inclusion research are ongoing in the areas of expertise of the members of the ZfIB. B. Networking on inclusion research in the context of work.

Young Science Network

Promoting young scientists is one of the concerns of the Center for Inclusion Research Berlin (ZfIB). The graduate college "Inclusion - Education - School: Analyzes of Processes of Social Participation" and the Young Science Network address scientists in all qualification phases (pre- and postdoc), offer structured support options and the opportunity for cross-university networking. For example, workshop discussions and further training on various topics are offered. In addition, the Young Science Network operates the blog "Berlin Thoughts on Inclusion".


  • Julia Frohn, Ellen Brodesser, Vera Moser , Detlef Pech (eds.): Inclusive teaching and learning. General and didactic basics . Klinkhardt , Bad Heilbrunn 2019, ISBN 978-3-7815-2289-3 , urn : nbn: de: 0111-pedocs-167592 .
  • Moser, V. & Egger, M. (Eds.). (2017). Inclusion and school development. Concepts, instruments, findings. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
  • Dietze, T./Gloystein, D./Moser, V./Piezunka, A./Röbenack, L./Schäfer, L./Wachtel, G./Walm, M. (Ed.) (2020): Inclusion - Participation - human rights. Transformations in the participation society. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt Verlag.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Events of the ZfIB - ZfiB :: de. Retrieved May 29, 2020 .
  2. ^ Author Franz Schmahl: Put your finger in the wound. April 29, 2019, accessed May 29, 2020 .
  3. sbussenius: audio report "Menschen.Rechte". Retrieved May 29, 2020 .
  4. The parties to the ZfIB. Retrieved May 29, 2020 .
  5. Implementation of school inclusion according to the UN-CRPD in the German federal states. In: Retrieved May 27, 2020 .
  6. Berlin Thoughts on Inclusion | Local, national and international perspectives. Retrieved May 29, 2020 .
  7. ^ Statutes of the Interdisciplinary Center for Inclusion Research Berlin. (PDF) In: Retrieved May 27, 2020 .
  8. The work areas of the ZfIB. Retrieved May 29, 2020 .
  9. Public evening lecture “Explore inclusive transitions from school to training and work. Findings from Austria. ” In: June 13, 2019, accessed May 29, 2020 .
  10. Berlin Thoughts on Inclusion | Local, national and international perspectives. Retrieved May 29, 2020 .