Bidentate doll snail

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Bidentate doll snail
Bidentate pupa snail (Pupilla bigranata)

Bidentate pupa snail ( Pupilla bigranata )

Subordination : Land snails (Stylommatophora)
Superfamily : Pupilloidea
Family : Doll snails
Genre : Pupilla
Subgenus : Pupilla
Type : Bidentate doll snail
Scientific name
Pupilla bigranata
( Rossmässler , 1839)

The two- toothed doll snail ( Pupilla bigranata ), also known as the two- toothed moss doll , is a type of snail from the family of the doll snail , which belongs to the subordination of the land snail (Stylommatophora). The taxon is interpreted somewhat differently, however; possibly two types are hidden in it.


The cylindrical to barrel-shaped housing with a rounded, conical tip is 2.5 to 3.5 mm high and 1.5 to 1.7 mm wide. It has five to seven turns, slightly curved on the periphery, which are separated from one another by a flat seam. The apex is flattened. The housing is colored brown, the surface shows fine growth stripes. The mouth is obliquely pear-shaped or obliquely egg-shaped, somewhat variable. The edge of the mouth is strong and bent outwards almost at right angles. The mouth reinforcement is also somewhat variable. A parietal tooth is always present, but the palatal tooth can also be missing. The palatal tooth is callous and sits deeper in the mouth; but it is clearly visible when looking straight into the mouth. The neck bulge is strong and yellowish in color.

Similar species

The shell is very similar to the moss pupa snail ( Pupilla muscorum ) and the striped pupa snail . However, the tip of the housing is flatter in the two-toothed doll snail. The whorls are slightly more rounded at the periphery, the seams a little deeper. The species is also on average smaller than Pupilla muscorum and slightly less striped. The striped doll snail is significantly more or more coarsely striped.

Geographical distribution and habitat

The distribution area of ​​the bidentate pupa snail stretches from Western Europe (Northern Spain, France) to Central Asia (Mongolia, Altai). However, the species is interpreted differently. It may therefore be of two different types.

The two-toothed pup snail inhabits dry and warm, open and mostly calcareous slopes overgrown by grasslands, rock and scree slopes as well as dry stone walls. In Switzerland it rises to 2000 m above sea level.


The taxon was first described in 1839 by Emil Adolf Roßäßler as Pupa bigranata . He had the material from a Prof. Dr. Received rabbit from Dresden. Unfortunately he does not give a place of origin. The taxon was only devalued early on as a variety of the moss pupa snail ( Pupilla muscorum ). In 1910 Dietrich Geyer again emphasized the independence of the species. In the standard work "Die Landschnecken Mittel- und Nordeuropas" the taxon is not included as an independent species. Manganelli et al. (1995) rate the taxon (still) as a synonym for Pupilla muscorum . In contrast, Bössneck (2009) saw the taxon again as an independent species. Pupilla bigranata is now recognized as an independent species and placed in the genus Pupilla .


The species is classified in Germany in the category R = extremely rare. The species is also rare in Austria. In Bavaria the populations have already died out. In Switzerland, only three populations remain from the previous 20 population. The species is classified there and also in Rhineland-Palatinate as critically endangered.

supporting documents


  • Rosina Fechter and Gerhard Falkner: molluscs. 287 p., Mosaik-Verlag, Munich 1990 (Steinbach's Nature Guide 10), ISBN 3-570-03414-3 (p. 148)
  • Alexandru V. Grossu: Gastropoda Romaniae 2 Subclasa Pulmonata I Ordo Basommatophora II Ordo Stylommatophora Suprafamiliile: Succinacea, Cochlicopacea, Pupillacea. 443 S., Bucharest 1987 (p. 283).
  • Jürgen H. Jungbluth, Dietrich von Knorre: Common names of land and freshwater mollusks in Germany (Gastropoda et Bivalvia). Mollusca, 26 (1): 105–156, Dresden 2008 ISSN  1864-5127 (p. 116)
  • Francisco W. Welter-Schultes: European non-marine molluscs, a guide for species identification = identification book for European land and freshwater mollusks. A1-A3 S., 679 S., Q1-Q78 S., Planet Poster Ed., Göttingen 2012, ISBN 3-933922-75-5 , ISBN 978-3-933922-75-5 (hereinafter abbreviated: Welter- Schultes, identification book, with corresponding page number)
  • Vollrath Wiese: Germany's land snails. 352 S., Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2014 ISBN 978-3-494-01551-4 (in the following abbreviated: Wiese, Landschnecken, with corresponding page number)


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Emil Adolf Rossmässler: Iconography of the land and freshwater mollusks, with special consideration of the European species not yet shown. Issue 7/8: 1-44, issue 9/10: 1-66, issue 11: 1-15, issue 12: 1-37, plates 31-60, Dresden & Leipzig, Arnold 1838-1844 online at www. (p. 27/8) Plate 49, Fig. 645
  2. A. Schmidt: About a pupa occurring in Aschersleben. Zeitschrift für Malakozoologie, 6: 140-144, 1849 Online at
  3. ^ Dietrich Geyer: The German Pupilla species. Newsletter of the German Malacoological Society, 42 12-18, Frankfurt / Main 1910 Online at (p. 13)
  4. ^ Michael P. Kerney, Robert AD Cameron & Jürgen H. Jungbluth: The land snails of northern and central Europe. 384 pp., Paul Parey, Hamburg & Berlin 1983, ISBN 3-490-17918-8
  5. U. Bößneck: An occurrence of Pupilla bigranata sensu Geyer, 1910 in East Germany (Gastropoda: Pupillidae). Mollusca, 27 (2): 173-177, Dresden 2009.
  6. Fauna Europaea
  7. a b Welter-Schultes, Identification Book, p. 130.
  8. a b Wiese, Landschnecken, p. 105.

Web links

Commons : Bidentate Puppet Snail ( Pupilla bigranata )  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files