Between breakfast and roast goose

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Television broadcast
Original title Between breakfast and roast goose
Country of production Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR German Democratic Republic 1957–1989 Germany 1990–1991
original language German
Year (s) 1957-1991
German television broadcasting
length about 90 minutes
once a year
genre Entertainment broadcast
idea Heinz Quermann
First broadcast Dec 25, 1957 on DFF

The TV show Between Breakfast and Roast Goose was broadcast on Christmas Day between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on the first program of GDR television from 1957 to 1991 . Margot Ebert and Heinz Quermann presented the “colorful Christmas plate” with music and humor every year , only in 1984 the show took place once without Margot Ebert. The last quarter of the show usually led to the request: "Now quickly put the potatoes on" so that the audience could turn to the roast goose immediately after the show had ended. In the first few years the show was broadcast live from the Friedrichstadtpalast Berlin and the Palast der Republik . The later broadcasts were recorded in the Stadthalle Karl-Marx-Stadt or Chemnitz (1983, 1985 and 1991), the Kulturpalast in Dresden (1984) and often in the Haus der Kultur in Gera (1982, 1986 to 1990) and broadcast with a time delay.

A recurring highlight from 1982 onwards was a "Modern Fairy Tale" that Jochen Petersdorf read out and in which he often named small and large problems in the GDR in a satirical, exaggerated way.

Monika Hauff and Klaus-Dieter Henkler were also an integral part of the late broadcasts. They always performed “With timpani and trumpets” during the matinee and, in 1984, along with Heinz Quermann, took over the moderation for the absent Margot Ebert.

With the winding up of German television at the end of 1991, between breakfast and roast goose was also discontinued.

The rbb repeated for several years partly abridged records of this TV show on Christmas Day. In the meantime, all of the programs still available from 1982 to 1991 have been completely released on DVD.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Put on potatoes! In: Berliner Zeitung , December 22, 2003
  2. Broadcasts of "Between Breakfast and Roast Goose" "