Äbilghasy Qussayynov

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Äbilghasy Qaliaqparuly Qussajynow ( Kazakh Әбілғазы Қалиақпарұлы Құсайынов , Russian Абельгази Калиакпарович Кусаинов Abelghasi Kaliakparowitsch Kussainow * 6. February 1952 in Maiosek, Kazakh SSR ) is a Kazakh politician.


Äbilghasy Qussajynow was born in the village of Maiosek in Karaganda Oblast . He studied at the Polytechnic Institute in Karaganda , where he graduated as a mechanical engineer in 1981. In 1992 he graduated from the Russian Academy of Management in Political Science.

Qusayynov first worked in industry as a worker in the Karabass coalfield near Karaganda. From 1980 he was also politically active. He was a trainer and head of the district party committee, first deputy chairman of the board of the district committee of the Council of People's Deputies of Kirov District, first secretary of the district party committee of Karaganda city and second secretary of the regional committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan in Karaganda. From 1991 to 1995 he was the chairman of the State Regional Committee on Pricing and Competition Policy of the Karaganda Region. In December 1995 he was appointed a deputy in the Kazakh Senate , where he was a member of the Committee on Legislation and Legal Reform and Deputy Chairman of the Senate. He was then Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications from 1999 to 2001 and, until March 2002, Chairman of the Roads Committee in the Ministry of Transport and Communications. From March to September 2002 he held the post of Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade and then until June 2003 the post of Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade. Between 2002 and 2003 he was also a member of the supervisory board of Kazakhstan Temir Scholy . From June 2003 to August 2005 he was Chairman of the Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Certification and Chairman of the Committee on Technical Regulation and Metrology in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Afterwards he was again first deputy minister for industry and trade before he held the post of secretary in this ministry from the end of October 2007. On March 3, 2009, Qussayynov was appointed Minister of Transport and Communications in the cabinet of Kärim Mässimow . He remained a member of the Kazakh government until April 2011 and then became Äkim (governor) of the Karagandy region. Since January 2013 he has been chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan.

He ran as an independent candidate in the 2015 Kazakh presidential election . With a result of only 0.6 percent of the vote, he landed in third and last place.

Individual evidence

  1. Кусаинов Абельгази Калиакпарович , accessed June 21, 2017 (Russian).
  2. Kazpravda: Abelgazi Kusainov intends to run for president of the Republic of Kazakhstan , accessed June 21, 2017.