Éva Maróti

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The former Károly Ferenczy Museum on Fő Square in Szentendre. In 2012 it was closed at this point and moved to Kossuth-Lajos-Straße.

Éva Maróti (born November 20, 1954 in Budapest , Hungary ) is a Hungarian Provincial Roman archaeologist .

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Maróti was born as the daughter of the biologist Mihály Maróti and his wife, Mária Pill. She attended the János-Apáczai-Csere-Gymnasium of the Loránd-Eötvös University in Budapest until 1973 and began studying at this university, which included in particular provincial Roman and medieval archeology. In 1978 she submitted her master's thesis , which dealt with Roman ceramics from Salla, today's Zalalövő . In 1986 she presented at the Eotvos Lorand University her doctoral thesis on the stamped pottery in Pannonia before and in 1987 a doctorate . The archaeologist has worked as a research assistant in the Pest County Museum Directorate at the Károly Ferenczy Museum in Szentendre since 1977 . In 1980 and 1982 their two sons were born.

In the 1970s she and Judit Topál excavated a late Roman burial ground at the Szentendre Fort . In 1978, under the direction of Sarolta Tettamanti, she carried out investigations at the Reformed Church of Borsod . In 1994 she was busy with emergency excavations, which became necessary in the course of the construction of the M1 motorway through Pest County. Further excavations at Törökbálint were planned between 1995 and 1999 before the construction of the Törökbálint-Tópark industrial area of ​​the same name on the motorway. Also in 1995, a follow-up examination took place at Burgus Szigetmonostor-Horány under her leadership . From 1997 to 1998 she worked at Malomdűlő, south of the village of Páty . A Roman settlement stood here, the spectrum of which ranged from the Bronze Age to the Arpad Age . Maróti also led excavations between 1999 and 2000 during the construction of the Pusztazámor-Hulladéklerakó landfill west of Érd .

The archaeologist specializes in Roman ceramic stamps.

Maróti is a member of the Magyar Ókortudományi Társaság (Hungarian Society for Classical Studies), the Magyar Régészeti és Művészettörténeti Társaság (Hungarian Society for Archeology and Art History) and was a founding member of the Hungarian Archeology Association (Szövetsé Hungarian Archeology) in 2006.

Fonts (selection)

  • with Ferenc Redő, Vera Lányi, Dénes Gabler, Klára Szabó, Gyula Fülöp, Árpád Miklós Nagy: Roman research in Zalalövő 1976. In: Acta archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 30, 1-4, 1978, pp. 349-430.
  • with Judit Tópal: Szentendre római kori temetője. The Roman burial ground of Szentendre. In: Studia Comitatensia 9, 1980. pp. 95-177.
  • Római őrtorony a pilisszántói Kálvárián (Roman watchtower on the Pilisszántó Calvary). In: Studia Comitatensia 17, 1985, pp. 159-184.
  • The Roman stone monuments of Szentendre, Ulcisia Castra. Pest County Museums Directorate, Exhibition Catalogs , Szentendre 2003. ISBN 9637215921 .
  • A Roman building near Szigetmonostor-Horóny. In: Pannonica provincialia et Archaeologica. Festschrift for Jenő Fitz . Hungarian National Museum, Budapest 2003. pp. 197–203.
  • with Zsolt Mráv : Kiadatlan római kori kőemlékek Pest megyéből. [Unpublished Roman stone monuments from Pest County.] In: Múzeumtörténeti és régészeti tanulmányok (= Studia Comitatensia 28). Szentendre 2004, pp. 247-260.


  1. Éva Maróti: Pannóniai pecsételt kerámia. Bölcsészdoktori disszertáció 1986. Kézirat az ELTE Régészeti Tanszékén.
  2. ^ Note in: Acta archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 35, 3-4, 1983, p. 477.
  3. ^ Sarolta Tettamanti: Borsod - Ref. Church (Kom. Borsod-Abaúj). In: Archaeologiai értesítő 105, 1978, p. 288.
  4. Katalin Ottományi : A pátyi római telep újabb kutatási eredményei (The new research results of the Roman settlement of Páty). In: Studia Comitatensia 30, 2007, pp. 7-238.

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