Austrian Folklore Atlas

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Based on the model of the Atlas of German Folklore (ADV), a work was also to be created in Austria through which traditional folklore phenomena were cartographically represented in distribution maps. To this end, the Society for the Folklore Atlas was founded in Austria in 1955 , which was largely shaped by Ernst Burgstaller , Richard Wolfram and Adolf Helbok . From 1959 to 1979 a total of 177 distribution maps were published in a total of six deliveries, which are explained by the commentary section published between 1965 and 1981 under the patronage of the Austrian Academy of Sciences .

Maps and commentaries explain the geographical distribution and historical development of a folk culture understood as rural . a. House and appliance science aspects, homestead and settlement , hallway , costume , folk art , food, customs , social and religious folklore and folk tales .

With the Austrian Folklore Atlas, the traditional folklore in Austria , which is characterized by a rural-peasant cultural concept, experienced its final climax.


  • Austrian Folklore Atlas. Under the patronage of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, ed. by Ernst Burgstaller , Richard Wolfram and Adolf Helbok , 6 deliveries, Linz 1959–1978. (Maps.)
  • Austrian Folklore Atlas. Comment. Edited by Ernst Burgstaller and Adolf Helbok , 8 folders, Linz 1959–1981.
  • Ingrid Kretschmer: The Austrian Folklore Atlas. At the end of the entire work. Special print from: E. Arnberger , Kartographie der Gegenwart. Vienna, Austria Geogr. Society and Institute for Cartography of Austria. Academy d. Science, 1984, pp. 193-207.