Škoda 3Tr

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Škoda 3Tr

Historic trolleybus of the type 3Tr in Pilsen
Historic trolleybus of the type 3Tr in Pilsen
Numbering: 101-134
Number: 34
Manufacturer: Škoda
Year of construction (s): 1941-1948
Length: 10,500 mm
Height: 02,500 mm
Width: 03,300 mm
Number of axes: 3
Empty mass: 10,400 kg
Top speed: 45 km / h
Hourly output : 90 kW
Number of traction motors: 2
Motor type: Škoda composite engines
Seats: 30/28
Standing room: 50/52

The Škoda 3Tr is a type of Czechoslovak trolleybus that was manufactured by Škoda (during the Second World War the company was called Reichswerke Hermann Göring ) in Pilsen in the 1940s . It is technically based on the previous type Škoda 2Tr .


The construction of the Škoda 3Tr is based on the type 2Tr, which was manufactured for the Prague trolleybus service before the Second World War. The two series were similar in terms of the structure of the chassis and body.

It was a three-axle trolleybus with a front drive axle and two rear running axles . The metal body received two (first and second series) or three (third series) folding doors on the right side. In the interior, the bench seats were arranged along the direction of travel. Two Škoda compound motors, which were built into the chassis frame, served as drive .


Between 1941 and 1948, 34 vehicles were produced in three series. All were delivered to Pilsen. The trolleybuses 101 and 119 have been preserved as a museum.

Country city Type Delivery years Number of pieces numbering
CzechoslovakiaCzechoslovakia Czechoslovakia Pilsen 3Tr 1941-1948 34 101-134
Total: 34

The last trolleybuses of this type were retired in 1970.


  • Martin Harák: České trolejbusy: historie a současnost, typy, technika, provoz . Ed .: Grada Publishing as 2015, ISBN 80-247-5948-9 , p. 44 .

Web links

Commons : Škoda 3Tr  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. seznam-autobusu.cz (ed.): PMDP: trolejbusy Škoda 3Tr . (Czech, seznam-autobusu.cz [accessed April 12, 2018]).