(1582) Martir

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(1582) Martir
Properties of the orbit ( animation )
Orbit type Main belt asteroid
Major semi-axis 3.1525  AU
eccentricity 0.1297
Perihelion - aphelion 2.7435 AU - 3.5615 AU
Inclination of the orbit plane 11.615 °
Sidereal period 5,597 a
Mean orbital velocity 16.78 km / s
Physical Properties
Medium diameter 36.79 km
Albedo 0.057
Rotation period 15.665 h
Absolute brightness 11.1 mag
Spectral class ?
Explorer Miguel Itzigsohn
Date of discovery June 15, 1950
Another name 1950 LY
Source: Unless otherwise stated, the data comes from JPL Small-Body Database Browser . The affiliation to an asteroid family is automatically determined from the AstDyS-2 database . Please also note the note on asteroid items.

(1582) Martir is an asteroid of the main belt that was discovered on June 15, 1950 by the Argentine astronomer Miguel Itzigsohn in La Plata .

The name of the asteroid is the Spanish word for martyr and was chosen in honor of the first wife Eva Perón .

See also